Intro – 8 count intro - 2 Restarts
[1-8] R Dorothy, L fwd, Pivot ½ R, L Dorothy, Out, Out, In, In
1,2,&3,4Step R fwd, step L behind, Step R fwd, step L fwd, pivot ½ R weight to R,
5,6&7&8&Step L fwd, step R behind L, step L fwd, step R out, step L out, step R in, step L beside R (6oclock)
[9-16] Rock fwd on R, Replace to L, R Shuffle back, Rock back on L, replace to R, Step L fwd, Paddle a 1/4 R weight to R,
1,2,3&4Rock R fwd, Replace to L, Step R back, step L beside R, Step R back,
5,6,7,8Rock L back, replace weight to R, Step L fwd, paddle ¼ R weight to R. (9 o’clock)
[17-24] Step L over R, Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side and L heel 45% L, Step L beside R, cross R over, step L to L side, step R behind L, Step L to L side, R Heel 45% R,
1,2,3,&4&Step L over R, Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R Side, L Heel 45% out to L diag, step L beside R,
5,6,7,&8Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Step R behind L, (E ) Step L to L side,, R Heel 45% out to R diag,
[25-32] R Fwd Camel Walk, Scuff L to L side, L, L Fwd Camel Walk, scuff R fwd, (These steps are done moving slightly fwd to DIAG>)
1,2,3,4Step fwd on R to R Diag, Step L beside R, Step R fwd, Scuff L to L side,
5,6,7,8Step fwd on L to L Diag, Step R beside L, Step L fwd, Scuff R fwd,
**Restarts: walls 3 & 5
[33-40] R Rocking chair, walk R fwd, Walk L fwd, R Dorothy
1,2,3,4,Step R fwd, Replace to L, Step R back, replace to L (9 o’clock)
5,6,7,8&Walk R fwd, walk fwd L, Step R fwd, step L behind R, Step R fwd,
[41-48] L Dorothy, ½ Pivot L, ½ Pivot L, step R Fwd, Replace to L & Hook R in front of L knee
1,2&,3,4Step L fwd, Step R behind L, Step L Fwd, step R fwd, Pivot ½ L weight to L (3 o clock)
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, Pivot ½ L weight to L, Step R fwd, Replace to L & Hook R foot in front of L knee. (9 oclock)
Begin dance again
## Restart; On Wall 3 & 5 on count 33. Wall 3 you will restart facing 3 o’clock. Wall 5 you will restart facing 9oclock.
Dance ending; Wall 7 facing 6 o’clock the music slows down after 2nd Dorothy (6&) (12 o’clock) just continue dancing at normal pace until count 23 (E) then, Turn ¼ L step Fwd on L (&) Step R fwd and Drag L to R (24).
[1-8] R Dorothy, L fwd, Pivot ½ R, L Dorothy, Out, Out, In, In
1,2,&3,4Step R fwd, step L behind, Step R fwd, step L fwd, pivot ½ R weight to R,
5,6&7&8&Step L fwd, step R behind L, step L fwd, step R out, step L out, step R in, step L beside R (6oclock)
[9-16] Rock fwd on R, Replace to L, R Shuffle back, Rock back on L, replace to R, Step L fwd, Paddle a 1/4 R weight to R,
1,2,3&4Rock R fwd, Replace to L, Step R back, step L beside R, Step R back,
5,6,7,8Rock L back, replace weight to R, Step L fwd, paddle ¼ R weight to R. (9 o’clock)
[17-24] Step L over R, Step R to R side, step L behind R, step R to R side and L heel 45% L, Step L beside R, cross R over, step L to L side, step R behind L, Step L to L side, R Heel 45% R,
1,2,3,&4&Step L over R, Step R to R side, Step L behind R, Step R to R Side, L Heel 45% out to L diag, step L beside R,
5,6,7,&8Cross R over L, Step L to L side, Step R behind L, (E ) Step L to L side,, R Heel 45% out to R diag,
[25-32] R Fwd Camel Walk, Scuff L to L side, L, L Fwd Camel Walk, scuff R fwd, (These steps are done moving slightly fwd to DIAG>)
1,2,3,4Step fwd on R to R Diag, Step L beside R, Step R fwd, Scuff L to L side,
5,6,7,8Step fwd on L to L Diag, Step R beside L, Step L fwd, Scuff R fwd,
**Restarts: walls 3 & 5
[33-40] R Rocking chair, walk R fwd, Walk L fwd, R Dorothy
1,2,3,4,Step R fwd, Replace to L, Step R back, replace to L (9 o’clock)
5,6,7,8&Walk R fwd, walk fwd L, Step R fwd, step L behind R, Step R fwd,
[41-48] L Dorothy, ½ Pivot L, ½ Pivot L, step R Fwd, Replace to L & Hook R in front of L knee
1,2&,3,4Step L fwd, Step R behind L, Step L Fwd, step R fwd, Pivot ½ L weight to L (3 o clock)
5,6,7,8Step R fwd, Pivot ½ L weight to L, Step R fwd, Replace to L & Hook R foot in front of L knee. (9 oclock)
Begin dance again
## Restart; On Wall 3 & 5 on count 33. Wall 3 you will restart facing 3 o’clock. Wall 5 you will restart facing 9oclock.
Dance ending; Wall 7 facing 6 o’clock the music slows down after 2nd Dorothy (6&) (12 o’clock) just continue dancing at normal pace until count 23 (E) then, Turn ¼ L step Fwd on L (&) Step R fwd and Drag L to R (24).