[1-8] Step-Turn x2, Vine Left, Flick Behind
1-2Step forward on left, turn 1/2 right (weight to right).
3-4Step forward on left, turn 1/2 right (weight to right).
5-8Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, flick right foot behind left.
[9-16] Step-Turn x2, Vine Right, Flick Behind
1-2Step forward on right, turn 1/2 left (weight to left).
3-4Step forward on right, turn 1/2 left (weight to left).
5-8Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, flick left foot behind right.
[17-24] Left Heel, Hook, Heel and Slide x2
1-2Touch left heel forward, hook left foot in front of right shin.
3-4Step onto left heel forward, slide right foot next to left foot, transferring weight to right.
5-6Touch left heel forward, hook left foot in front of right shin.
7-8Step onto left heel forward, slide right foot next to left foot, keeping weight on left.
[25-32] 1/4 & 1/2 Turn with Flicks, and Kick Ball-Change
1-2Step right to side with 1/4 turn right, flick left foot behind right.
3-4Step back on left with 1/2 turn left, flick right foot behind left.
5Step right foot next to left.
6-8Kick Ball-Change: Kick left foot forward in a small kick, step quickly on ball of left foot, then step right foot in place.
The choreographer of this dance is unknown.
It has been danced since the early 2000s. Our dance group, "Outliners," has preserved the original step sheet, which was typed on a typewriter. We are now sharing this step sheet with the wider line dance community.
Enjoy the dance!
Submitted by: Jacob Holm Laursen - Email: jhldansevise@gmail.com
1-2Step forward on left, turn 1/2 right (weight to right).
3-4Step forward on left, turn 1/2 right (weight to right).
5-8Step left to side, step right behind left, step left to side, flick right foot behind left.
[9-16] Step-Turn x2, Vine Right, Flick Behind
1-2Step forward on right, turn 1/2 left (weight to left).
3-4Step forward on right, turn 1/2 left (weight to left).
5-8Step right to side, step left behind right, step right to side, flick left foot behind right.
[17-24] Left Heel, Hook, Heel and Slide x2
1-2Touch left heel forward, hook left foot in front of right shin.
3-4Step onto left heel forward, slide right foot next to left foot, transferring weight to right.
5-6Touch left heel forward, hook left foot in front of right shin.
7-8Step onto left heel forward, slide right foot next to left foot, keeping weight on left.
[25-32] 1/4 & 1/2 Turn with Flicks, and Kick Ball-Change
1-2Step right to side with 1/4 turn right, flick left foot behind right.
3-4Step back on left with 1/2 turn left, flick right foot behind left.
5Step right foot next to left.
6-8Kick Ball-Change: Kick left foot forward in a small kick, step quickly on ball of left foot, then step right foot in place.
The choreographer of this dance is unknown.
It has been danced since the early 2000s. Our dance group, "Outliners," has preserved the original step sheet, which was typed on a typewriter. We are now sharing this step sheet with the wider line dance community.
Enjoy the dance!
Submitted by: Jacob Holm Laursen - Email: jhldansevise@gmail.com