Starts on lyrics after 8 counts, weight on L
~2.14 mins BPM 178 Ver 1
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Vine R, Vine L
1 2 3 4Step R side, L behind, Step R to R side, Touch L beside R
5 6 78Side L, R behind. Side L, Touch R beside L
V step, V step on Heels
1 2 3 4Step R forward on R diagonal, Step L forward on L diagonal, Step R back to centre, Step L beside R
5 6 7 8Step R heel forward on R diagonal, Step L heel forward on L diagonal, back, Step R back to centre, Step L beside R
Forward R Rocking chair, R Forward, Pivot 1/8 L, R Forward, Pivot 1/8 L
1 2 3 4Step R forward, Recover L, Step R back, Recover L
5 6 7 8Step R forward, Pivot 1/8 L, Step R forward, 1/8 L pivot (9.00)
R Mambo Forward, Hold, L back Coaster, Hold
1 2 3 4Rock R forward, Recover L, R together, Hold
5 6 7 8Step L back, Step R to R side, Step L forward, Drag R towards L
Ending .. You will be on the 3.00 wall. The music slows down do you . Vine R, L side, Behind R,1/4 L shuffle to 12.00, Turn 1/4 L, Step R to R side( 9.00) but look forward to 12.00. Hold.
Liz Gardiner – Southern Cross Line Dancers –
Line Dancing with Liz Gardiner email
M 0435006800 YouTube – SouthernCrossLinedancers
~2.14 mins BPM 178 Ver 1
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Vine R, Vine L
1 2 3 4Step R side, L behind, Step R to R side, Touch L beside R
5 6 78Side L, R behind. Side L, Touch R beside L
V step, V step on Heels
1 2 3 4Step R forward on R diagonal, Step L forward on L diagonal, Step R back to centre, Step L beside R
5 6 7 8Step R heel forward on R diagonal, Step L heel forward on L diagonal, back, Step R back to centre, Step L beside R
Forward R Rocking chair, R Forward, Pivot 1/8 L, R Forward, Pivot 1/8 L
1 2 3 4Step R forward, Recover L, Step R back, Recover L
5 6 7 8Step R forward, Pivot 1/8 L, Step R forward, 1/8 L pivot (9.00)
R Mambo Forward, Hold, L back Coaster, Hold
1 2 3 4Rock R forward, Recover L, R together, Hold
5 6 7 8Step L back, Step R to R side, Step L forward, Drag R towards L
Ending .. You will be on the 3.00 wall. The music slows down do you . Vine R, L side, Behind R,1/4 L shuffle to 12.00, Turn 1/4 L, Step R to R side( 9.00) but look forward to 12.00. Hold.
Liz Gardiner – Southern Cross Line Dancers –
Line Dancing with Liz Gardiner email
M 0435006800 YouTube – SouthernCrossLinedancers