Intro: 16 ct
Step, cross, side rock recover, cross, back ¼ turn, cross, shuffle fwd
1,2,3&4RF Step fwd, LF sweep to R, RF side rock recover into RF cross over LF
5,6,7&8LF back, RF sweep to L with ¼ turn L, Shuffle fwd, (l,r,l)
Kick ball step, Walk, walk, Scissor step, LF back ¼ turn, RF together
1&2,3,4RF kick ball step, R walk, L walk,
5&6,7,8RF scissor step, LF back ¼ turn, RF together
Step lock step, Side rock recover, fwd mambo, Pony step back
1&2, 3&4RF step, lock, step, (r,l,r) LF side rock recover(l,r,l), L together
5&6, &78RF fwd mambo, (r,l,r) Pony step back (l,r,l)
Point, point, fwd shuffle, point, point, back shuffle
1&2, &3&4RF point to R, LF point to L, Shuffle fwd, (r,l,r)
5&6, &7&8&LF point to L, RF point to R, Shuffle back ( r,l,r), L together
Step, cross, side rock recover, cross, back ¼ turn, cross, shuffle fwd
1,2,3&4RF Step fwd, LF sweep to R, RF side rock recover into RF cross over LF
5,6,7&8LF back, RF sweep to L with ¼ turn L, Shuffle fwd, (l,r,l)
Kick ball step, Walk, walk, Scissor step, LF back ¼ turn, RF together
1&2,3,4RF kick ball step, R walk, L walk,
5&6,7,8RF scissor step, LF back ¼ turn, RF together
Step lock step, Side rock recover, fwd mambo, Pony step back
1&2, 3&4RF step, lock, step, (r,l,r) LF side rock recover(l,r,l), L together
5&6, &78RF fwd mambo, (r,l,r) Pony step back (l,r,l)
Point, point, fwd shuffle, point, point, back shuffle
1&2, &3&4RF point to R, LF point to L, Shuffle fwd, (r,l,r)
5&6, &7&8&LF point to L, RF point to R, Shuffle back ( r,l,r), L together