CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Anna Nordh (SWE) - December 2024
Heroes are Calling - Smash Into Pieces
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section 1 - point right foot forward, point right foot to right side, right sailorstep
1point RF forward
2point RF to right
3RF behind left
atouch LF to left side
4RF to right side
point left foot forward, point left foot to left side, left sailorstep
1point LF forward
2point LF to left
3LF behind RF
atouch RF to right side
4LF to left side

section 2 - right Dorathy step, left Dorothy step with touch, right mambo forward, ½ chasse turn over right shoulder.
1RF forward
2LF behind RF
aRF forward
3LF forward
4RF behind LF
aLF forward
5RF forward
6rock back on LF
7turn ½ over right shoulder
aLF behind RF
8RF forward

Section 3 - point left foot forward, point left foot to left side, left sailorstep
1point LF forward
2point LF to left
3LF behind RF
atouch RF to right side
4LF to left side
point right foot forward, point right foot to right side, right sailorstep
1point RF forward
2point RF to right
3RF behind left
atouch LF to left side
4RF to right side

secction 4 - left Dorothy step, right Dorothy step with touch, left mambo forward, ½ chasse turn over left shoulder
1LF forward
2RF behind LF
aLF forward
3RF forward
4LF behind RF
aLF forward
5LF forward
6rock back on RF
7turn ½ over left shoulder
aRF behind LF
8LF forward

section 5 - chasse turn ½ over right shoulder, chasse turn ½ over left shoulder, out RL, hold, right sailor step
1½ turn over right shoulder RF
2touch LF in front of RF
awalk back on RF
3½ turn over left shoulder LF
4touch RF in front of LF
awalk back on LF
5out with RF
6out with LF
8RF behind LF
aLF to left
11/4 turn to the left

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