Intro: 32 count
[1-8] Vaudeville, cross shuffle, point, hitch, point, heel
1&2&Cross right over left, step left to side, touch right heel diagonal fwd, step right foot next to left
3&4Cross left over right, step right to right, cross left over right
5&6&Point right to right side, step right next to left, hitch left knee step left next to right
7&8Point right to right side, step right next to left, touch left heel forward
[9-16] Ball, shuffle forward, rock recover, shuffle ½ turn left x 2
&1&2Ball left next to right, step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
3-4Rock forward on left, recover on right
5&6¼ turn left & LF step side, RF close to LF, ¼ turn left & LF step forward (6:00)
7&8¼ turn left & RF step side, LF close to RF, ¼ turn left & RF step back (12:00)
[17-24] Sailor turn ¼, diagonal press rock recover, camel walk back r/l, back rock recover
1&2Cross left behind right - ¼ turn left, step right beside left – step left to left (9:00)
4-3Turn 1/8 press right forward, recover on left (7:30)
5-6Step right back popping left knee, step left back popping right knee
7-8Rock right back, recover on left
[25-32] Cross out point, heel heel ¼ turn, shuffle forward, ½ pivot, point
1&2Cross right over left, step left to left side, point right to right (9:00)
3-4Turn 1/8 right when touching right heel forward x 2 (12:00)
5&6Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
7-8Turn ½ left on ball, point right to right
Tags and restarts:
Wall 1: Dance 24 counts, touch right next to left twice, continue on count 25-32, point right over left and right to right side.
Wall 3: Dance 12 counts (rock recover), make a shuffle back on left (instead of shuffle turn ¼), rock back on right and recover on left. Restart.
Wall 4: Like wall 1
Wall 6: Like wall 3
Wall 7: Dance 16 count, and make a coaster step left-right-left. Restart!
Wall 8: Dance 30 counts and make a left shuffle forward, stomp right forward and ending dance.
Happy birthday, Else!
Submitted by: Else
[1-8] Vaudeville, cross shuffle, point, hitch, point, heel
1&2&Cross right over left, step left to side, touch right heel diagonal fwd, step right foot next to left
3&4Cross left over right, step right to right, cross left over right
5&6&Point right to right side, step right next to left, hitch left knee step left next to right
7&8Point right to right side, step right next to left, touch left heel forward
[9-16] Ball, shuffle forward, rock recover, shuffle ½ turn left x 2
&1&2Ball left next to right, step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
3-4Rock forward on left, recover on right
5&6¼ turn left & LF step side, RF close to LF, ¼ turn left & LF step forward (6:00)
7&8¼ turn left & RF step side, LF close to RF, ¼ turn left & RF step back (12:00)
[17-24] Sailor turn ¼, diagonal press rock recover, camel walk back r/l, back rock recover
1&2Cross left behind right - ¼ turn left, step right beside left – step left to left (9:00)
4-3Turn 1/8 press right forward, recover on left (7:30)
5-6Step right back popping left knee, step left back popping right knee
7-8Rock right back, recover on left
[25-32] Cross out point, heel heel ¼ turn, shuffle forward, ½ pivot, point
1&2Cross right over left, step left to left side, point right to right (9:00)
3-4Turn 1/8 right when touching right heel forward x 2 (12:00)
5&6Step right forward, step left next to right, step right forward
7-8Turn ½ left on ball, point right to right
Tags and restarts:
Wall 1: Dance 24 counts, touch right next to left twice, continue on count 25-32, point right over left and right to right side.
Wall 3: Dance 12 counts (rock recover), make a shuffle back on left (instead of shuffle turn ¼), rock back on right and recover on left. Restart.
Wall 4: Like wall 1
Wall 6: Like wall 3
Wall 7: Dance 16 count, and make a coaster step left-right-left. Restart!
Wall 8: Dance 30 counts and make a left shuffle forward, stomp right forward and ending dance.
Happy birthday, Else!
Submitted by: Else