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The Last Man Standing

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Phrased Intermediate
Hege Langhelle (NOR) - November 2024
Last Man Standing - Livingston
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Phrasing: AB AB a from count 33.

A: 32 counts:
(1-8) fwd,hitch,run,run,rock,1/2sweep, Weave,sweep,behind,1/4fwd, 3/4spiral.
1-2&3Rf step fwd and hitch Lf(1), Run Lf(2), run Rf(&),Lf rock fwd(3).
&4.recover to Rf(&), 1/2L Lf fwd and Sweep Rf back to front(4)(06.00)
5&6Rf cross over Lf(5), Lf step L(&), Rf step behind Lf and sweep Lf Front to back(6).
7&8Lf step behind Rf(7), 1/4R Rf Step fwd(&), ¾ spiral on Lf(8) (06.00).

(9-16)lounge,3/4sweep,1/2sweep,1/4hitch Crossrock,hitch,behind.
1-2Rf step R(1), hold(2).
3-41/4L recover to Lf and continue 1/2L sweeping Rf(3)(09.00) Rf step back and turn 1/2L Sweeping Lf(4)(03.00)
5-6Lf fwd ¼ L hitching Rf(5), Rf cross Over Lf(6)(12.00)
7-8Recover to Lf hitching Rf back(7), Rf step behind Lf(8).

(17-24)side,crossrock,siderock,behind,1/4L, Step,1/4L,crossrock,siderock,behind, 1/8L side, run,run.
&1&2Lf step L(&), Rf cross over Lf(1), Recover to Lf(&), Rf rock R(2).
&3&4Recover to Lf(&), Rf step behind Lf(3), 1/4L Lf step fwd(&), Rf step Fwd(4).(09.00).
&5&61/4L recover to Lf(&), Rf cross Over Lf(5), recover to Lf(&), Rf rock R(6).(06.00).
&7&8&Recover to Lf(&), Rf step behind Lf(7), 1/8L Lf step L(&), run R(8)L(&). (04.30)

(25-32)hitch,backslide,back,together,step,lock,step and Sweep 1/8,1/4back,1/2fwd,1/4start chasse’.
1-2Rf step fwd and hitch L knee(1), Lf slide Back(2).
3&4&5Rf step back(3), Lf step together(&), Rf Step fwd4), Lf lock behind Rf(&), Rf step Fwd and sweep Lf 1/8R back to front(5)(06.00).
6-7&8&Lf cross over Rf(6), 1/4L Rf step back(7), ½ L Lf step fwd(&), ¼ L Rf step R(8), Lf step beside Rf(&).(06.00)

(33-40)swayx2,touch,swayx3,recover,weave,sweep, Behind,side.
1-2&3Rf sway R(1),sway L(2), Rf touch beside Lf(&), Rf sway R(3).
4&5Sway L(4), sway R(&), recover to Lf(5).
6&7Rf cross over Lf(6), Lf step L(&), Rf step Behind Lf and sweep Lf front to back(7).
8&Lf step behind Rf(8), Rf step R(&).

(41-48)crossrock,1/4,1/4,drag,touch,1/4,1/2,1/4, Drag.
1-2&3Lf cross over Rf(1), recover to Rf(2), 1/4L Lf Step fwd(&), 1/4L Rf step R( 3) (R arm out to R).(12.00)
&4-5(R arm up)(&), Lf drag towards Rf(4) (R arm start Draging down in front of face), Lf touch Beside Rf(5) (R arm ending in front of face Knees bend)
6&71/4L Lf step fwd(6), 1/2L Rf step back(&), 1/4L Lf step L(7) (L arm out to L).
&8(L arm up)(&), Rf drag towards Lf(8) (L arm Start draging down in front of face)(12.00).

1-2&3Rf touch beside Lf(1) (L arm ending in front Of Face knees bend), 1/4R Rf step fwd(2), 1/2R Lf Step back(&), 1/4R Rf step R(3) L arm in front of body at shoulder hight from L to R)(12.00).
4&5( R arm makes a wave under L arm) recover To Lf And turn ¼ L as you finish the wave
6&7Rf rock fwd(6), recover to Lf(&), Rf step
8&Lf step back(8), Rf step beside Lf(&). (09.00)

(57-64)fwd,1/2pivot,1/4,point,arms,1/2,side,point, Arms,1/2.
1-2&3.Lf step fwd(1), Rf step fwd(2), ½ L weight Ends on Lf(&), ¼ L Rf step R(3)( both hands On chest)(12.00)
&4-5.Lf point back(&), both hands raise up on Each side of the head(like a crown)(4), and Down(5).
&6&.½ L take weight on Lf(&), Rf step R(6), Lf point Back(&)
7&8&.R arm reach fwd(7), L arm reach fwd(&), Both arm to chest(8), ½ L take weight to Lf(&)(12.00)
Note: the last time do not turn ½ L to finish at 12.00

B: 16 counts:
(1-8)hitch,run,run,rock,sweep,sweep,1/2sweep ½,1/2.
1-2&3.Rf step fwd and hitch Lf(1), run LR(2&), Lf Rock fwd(3).
4-6.Recover to Rf and sweep Lf front to back(4), Lf step back and sweep Rf front to back(5), Rf step back and sweep Lf ½ L(6).(06.00)
7-8&.Lf step fwd(7), 1/2 L Rf step back(8), ½ L Lf step fwd(&).

(9-16)Repeat counts 1-8.

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