Omstarter på vägg 2, 6 och 9
Intro: 16 Count
Restarts after 16 count wall 2, 6 and 9
Back, touch, forward, scuff. Extended cross shuffle. 1/4 left step forward
1-4R foot back (1), L foot touch next to R (2), L step forward (3), R scuff forward (4)
*optional steps wall 8 / 1-4 Back R, out L, out R, jump up and land on L
5&6&7R cross step over L (5), L step side (&), R cross (6), L side (&), R cross (7)
8Turn 1/4 left and step L forward [3:00]
Jazzbox 1/4 turn right. Side rock, together, side rock. Step together
1-4R cross over L (1), step L back and turn 1/8 right (2), step R to side completing ¼ turn (3), step L beside R (4) [12:00]
5&6&7 8Rock R to side (5), recover to L (&), step R beside L (6), rock L to side (&), recover to R (7), Step L beside R (8)
● Restart wall 2, 6 and 9
Side, together, chassé 1/4 turn right, step turn 1/2, triple step full turn
1-2Step R side (1), step L beside R (2)
3&4Step R side (3), step L beside R (&), turn 1/4 right and step R forward (4) [9:00]
5 -6Step L forward (5), turn 1/2 right and put weight onto R (6)
7&8Turn 1/2 right on R and step L back (7), Turn 1/2 right on L and step R forward (&), step L forward (8) [3:00] *
* No turning option, left shuffle forward
7&8Step L forward (7), step R beside L (&) , step L forward (8)
Rock step, coaster step. Forward, together, forward, together, forward. Scuff-hitch
1-2Rock R forward (1), recover to L (2)
3&4Step R back (3), step L beside R (&), step R forward
5&6&7Step L forward (5), step R beside L (&), L forward (6), R beside (&), L forward (7)
8R scuff and hitch (8)
Start over
Optional steps first 4 count on wall 8 [3:00]
1-4R step back (1), L step out to side (2), R step out to side(3), jump up and prepare for the cross shuffle after landing (4)
Ending wall 11
1-3Step R out to side (1), right arm up (2), left arm up (3)
Intro: 16 Count
Restarts after 16 count wall 2, 6 and 9
Back, touch, forward, scuff. Extended cross shuffle. 1/4 left step forward
1-4R foot back (1), L foot touch next to R (2), L step forward (3), R scuff forward (4)
*optional steps wall 8 / 1-4 Back R, out L, out R, jump up and land on L
5&6&7R cross step over L (5), L step side (&), R cross (6), L side (&), R cross (7)
8Turn 1/4 left and step L forward [3:00]
Jazzbox 1/4 turn right. Side rock, together, side rock. Step together
1-4R cross over L (1), step L back and turn 1/8 right (2), step R to side completing ¼ turn (3), step L beside R (4) [12:00]
5&6&7 8Rock R to side (5), recover to L (&), step R beside L (6), rock L to side (&), recover to R (7), Step L beside R (8)
● Restart wall 2, 6 and 9
Side, together, chassé 1/4 turn right, step turn 1/2, triple step full turn
1-2Step R side (1), step L beside R (2)
3&4Step R side (3), step L beside R (&), turn 1/4 right and step R forward (4) [9:00]
5 -6Step L forward (5), turn 1/2 right and put weight onto R (6)
7&8Turn 1/2 right on R and step L back (7), Turn 1/2 right on L and step R forward (&), step L forward (8) [3:00] *
* No turning option, left shuffle forward
7&8Step L forward (7), step R beside L (&) , step L forward (8)
Rock step, coaster step. Forward, together, forward, together, forward. Scuff-hitch
1-2Rock R forward (1), recover to L (2)
3&4Step R back (3), step L beside R (&), step R forward
5&6&7Step L forward (5), step R beside L (&), L forward (6), R beside (&), L forward (7)
8R scuff and hitch (8)
Start over
Optional steps first 4 count on wall 8 [3:00]
1-4R step back (1), L step out to side (2), R step out to side(3), jump up and prepare for the cross shuffle after landing (4)
Ending wall 11
1-3Step R out to side (1), right arm up (2), left arm up (3)