Intro: 16 counts. Start on the end of the word Try. No Tags or Restarts.
Section 1. Step Point x2. Jazz Box ¼ Turn.
1-4.Step forward on right, point left to left side. Step left behind right, point right to right side.
5-8.Step right across left, step back on left. ¼ turn on right, step left forward.
Section 2. Vine Right & Left.
1-4.Right to side, left behind right, right to side, tap left beside right.
5-8.Left to side, right behind left, left to side, tap right beside left.
Section 3. Step Point x2. Jazz Box ¼ Turn.
1-4.Step forward on right, point left to left side. Step left behind right, point right to right side.
5-8.Step right across left, step back on left. ¼ turn on right, step forward.
Section 4. Vine Right & Left.
1-4.Right to side, left behind right, right to side, tap left beside right.
5-8.Left to side, right behind left, left to side, tap right beside left.
Section 5. Step Tap x2. ¼ Turn Monterey,
1-4.Step forward on right, tap left behind right, back on left, tap right beside left.
5-8.Point right to side, on ball of left pivot ¼ turn pulling in right together with left, point left to side, left together with right.
Section 6. Cross Step Tap Recover Side, Right & Left.
1-4.Step right across left, tap left behind right, recover on left, step right to side.
5-8.Step left across right, tap right behind left, recover on right, step left to side.
Section 7. Weave & Point, Left & Right.
1-4.Step forward on right, left to side, right behind left, point left to side.
5-8.Step forward on left, right to side, left behind right, point right to side.
Section 8. ¼ Turn Paddle x 2. Rocking Chair.
1-2.Touch ball of right in front of left, on ball of both feet paddle a ¼ turn left.
3-4.Touch ball of right in front of left, on ball of both feet paddle a ¼ turn left.
5-8.Forward on right, recover on left, back on right, recover on left.
Section 1. Step Point x2. Jazz Box ¼ Turn.
1-4.Step forward on right, point left to left side. Step left behind right, point right to right side.
5-8.Step right across left, step back on left. ¼ turn on right, step left forward.
Section 2. Vine Right & Left.
1-4.Right to side, left behind right, right to side, tap left beside right.
5-8.Left to side, right behind left, left to side, tap right beside left.
Section 3. Step Point x2. Jazz Box ¼ Turn.
1-4.Step forward on right, point left to left side. Step left behind right, point right to right side.
5-8.Step right across left, step back on left. ¼ turn on right, step forward.
Section 4. Vine Right & Left.
1-4.Right to side, left behind right, right to side, tap left beside right.
5-8.Left to side, right behind left, left to side, tap right beside left.
Section 5. Step Tap x2. ¼ Turn Monterey,
1-4.Step forward on right, tap left behind right, back on left, tap right beside left.
5-8.Point right to side, on ball of left pivot ¼ turn pulling in right together with left, point left to side, left together with right.
Section 6. Cross Step Tap Recover Side, Right & Left.
1-4.Step right across left, tap left behind right, recover on left, step right to side.
5-8.Step left across right, tap right behind left, recover on right, step left to side.
Section 7. Weave & Point, Left & Right.
1-4.Step forward on right, left to side, right behind left, point left to side.
5-8.Step forward on left, right to side, left behind right, point right to side.
Section 8. ¼ Turn Paddle x 2. Rocking Chair.
1-2.Touch ball of right in front of left, on ball of both feet paddle a ¼ turn left.
3-4.Touch ball of right in front of left, on ball of both feet paddle a ¼ turn left.
5-8.Forward on right, recover on left, back on right, recover on left.