Absolute Beginner
INTRO: 16 Counts
Step Touches X 4 Clap
1,3,4,5Step R foot forward to R Diagonal, Touch L Together with R while clapping hands. Step L foot forward to L Diagonal , Touch r together with L while clapping hands.
5,6,7,8Step R foot forward to R Diagonal, Touch L Together with R while clapping hands. Step L foot forward to L Diagonal , Touch r together with L while clapping hands.
Box Step ¼ Turn R X 2
1,2,3,4Cross R Over L, Step L foot back, ¼ Turn Right stepping forward onto R , Step L together ^
5,6,7,8Cross R Over L, Step L foot back, ¼ Turn Right stepping forward onto R , Step L together *
4 Heels Or Syncopated Heels
1,2,3,4R heel 45, Step together, L Heel 45, Step Together
5,6,7,8R heel 45, Step together, L Heel 45, Step Together
Or for a little more fun… Alternate
1&2&3&4R heel 45, Step together, L Heel 45, Touch R heel forward hold and Double Clap
5&6&7&8&L Heel 45, Step Together, R Heel 45 Step together, L heel forward hold and double clap, Step L together
Side Touch, Side Touch, ¾ Walk
1,2,3,4Step r to R side, Step L together & Clap , Step L to L side, Step R together & Clap.
5,6,7,8Walk ¾ semi circle over your R shoulder, R,L,R,L
[32] Counts BEGIN DANCE AGAIN FACING 9 O’Clock Wall.
Bridge: *
At the end of wall 2 dance to count Add in the following 4 counts then restart at the back.
1,2,3,4Step r to R side and bump hips R,L,R,L
Restart ^
On Wall 5 at 12 O’Clock. Dance the first 12 Counts and instead of making the ¼ turn on the box step stay on the front wall to restart the dance.
A little fun one choreographed for beginners, first timers, festivals & events, First taught at the Gympie Music Muster. I Hope you enjoy it.
Last Update - 20 Sep. 2024 - R1
Step Touches X 4 Clap
1,3,4,5Step R foot forward to R Diagonal, Touch L Together with R while clapping hands. Step L foot forward to L Diagonal , Touch r together with L while clapping hands.
5,6,7,8Step R foot forward to R Diagonal, Touch L Together with R while clapping hands. Step L foot forward to L Diagonal , Touch r together with L while clapping hands.
Box Step ¼ Turn R X 2
1,2,3,4Cross R Over L, Step L foot back, ¼ Turn Right stepping forward onto R , Step L together ^
5,6,7,8Cross R Over L, Step L foot back, ¼ Turn Right stepping forward onto R , Step L together *
4 Heels Or Syncopated Heels
1,2,3,4R heel 45, Step together, L Heel 45, Step Together
5,6,7,8R heel 45, Step together, L Heel 45, Step Together
Or for a little more fun… Alternate
1&2&3&4R heel 45, Step together, L Heel 45, Touch R heel forward hold and Double Clap
5&6&7&8&L Heel 45, Step Together, R Heel 45 Step together, L heel forward hold and double clap, Step L together
Side Touch, Side Touch, ¾ Walk
1,2,3,4Step r to R side, Step L together & Clap , Step L to L side, Step R together & Clap.
5,6,7,8Walk ¾ semi circle over your R shoulder, R,L,R,L
[32] Counts BEGIN DANCE AGAIN FACING 9 O’Clock Wall.
Bridge: *
At the end of wall 2 dance to count Add in the following 4 counts then restart at the back.
1,2,3,4Step r to R side and bump hips R,L,R,L
Restart ^
On Wall 5 at 12 O’Clock. Dance the first 12 Counts and instead of making the ¼ turn on the box step stay on the front wall to restart the dance.
A little fun one choreographed for beginners, first timers, festivals & events, First taught at the Gympie Music Muster. I Hope you enjoy it.
Last Update - 20 Sep. 2024 - R1