Intro: 32C
Section 1: Turn ⅛R V Step (2x)
1-4Turn ⅛R step R diagonal out, step L diagonal out, step R back to center, step L back to center (01:30)
5-8Turn ⅛R step R diagonal out, step L diagonal out, step R back to center, step L back to center (03:00)
Section 2: Rock Forward - Back Shuffle - Turn ½L Chassè - Rock Forward
1-2Rock R forward, recover on L
3&4Step R back, step L together, step R back
5&6Turn ¼L step L to side, close R together, turn ¼L step L forward (09:00)
7-8Rock R forward, recover on L
Section 3: Grapevine - Rolling Vine
1-4Step R to side, cross L behind R, step R to side, point L to side
5-8Turn ¼L step L forward, turn ½L step R back, turn ¼L step L to side, touch R beside L (09:00)
Section 4: Forward Shuffle Three Times (making ½R) - Forward, Hitch
1&2Turn ⅛R step R forward, step L together, step R forward
3&4Turn ⅛R step L forward, step R together, turn ⅛R step L forward
5&6Turn ⅛R step R forward, step L together, step R forward
7-8Step L forward, hitch on R
(Wall 14 will be the last wall for this dance. change the last two counts of Section 4 with: Turn ½R Pivot. Now, you are facing 12:00 to finish the dance).
TAG (4C): Turn ½L Pivot (2x).
1-2Step R forward, turn ½L step L in place
3-4Step R forward, turn ½L step L in place
Do the TAG after ends of:
* Wall 1, Wall 5 & Wall 13 (03:00)
* Wall 7 & Wall 11 (09:00)
Happy Dancing & Thank You
Last Update: 29 Jul 2024
Section 1: Turn ⅛R V Step (2x)
1-4Turn ⅛R step R diagonal out, step L diagonal out, step R back to center, step L back to center (01:30)
5-8Turn ⅛R step R diagonal out, step L diagonal out, step R back to center, step L back to center (03:00)
Section 2: Rock Forward - Back Shuffle - Turn ½L Chassè - Rock Forward
1-2Rock R forward, recover on L
3&4Step R back, step L together, step R back
5&6Turn ¼L step L to side, close R together, turn ¼L step L forward (09:00)
7-8Rock R forward, recover on L
Section 3: Grapevine - Rolling Vine
1-4Step R to side, cross L behind R, step R to side, point L to side
5-8Turn ¼L step L forward, turn ½L step R back, turn ¼L step L to side, touch R beside L (09:00)
Section 4: Forward Shuffle Three Times (making ½R) - Forward, Hitch
1&2Turn ⅛R step R forward, step L together, step R forward
3&4Turn ⅛R step L forward, step R together, turn ⅛R step L forward
5&6Turn ⅛R step R forward, step L together, step R forward
7-8Step L forward, hitch on R
(Wall 14 will be the last wall for this dance. change the last two counts of Section 4 with: Turn ½R Pivot. Now, you are facing 12:00 to finish the dance).
TAG (4C): Turn ½L Pivot (2x).
1-2Step R forward, turn ½L step L in place
3-4Step R forward, turn ½L step L in place
Do the TAG after ends of:
* Wall 1, Wall 5 & Wall 13 (03:00)
* Wall 7 & Wall 11 (09:00)
Happy Dancing & Thank You
Last Update: 29 Jul 2024