Beginner / Intermediate
One wall dance: 4 parts and 1 tag (*slight change on R3)
1 - 1,2,3,4
2 - 1,2,3,4,tag
3 - 1,2,3*,4,tag, tag
Part 1 (Verse)
1&2.Rt kick and cross tap left behind right
3&4.Rt kick and cross tap left behind tright
5&6.Lt kick and cross
7,8.Half turn right to the back wall
(Repeat sequence on the back wall, returning to the front wall)
Part 2 (Verse)
1,2.Rock rt twist right knee, rock left (twist knee),
3,4.Rock double right (twist knee),
5,6.Rock left knee, rock right knee,
7,8.Rock with half turn left to back wall
(Repeat sequence on the back wall, returning to the front wall)
Part 3 (Verse)
1,2.Rt sailor,
3,4.Lt sailor,
5,6.Roll up Rt,
7,8.Roll back on the rt
1,2.Lt sailor,
3,4.Rt sailor,
5,6.Roll up Left,
7,8.Half turn left to the back wall
(Repeat sequence on the back wall, returning to the front wall)
Part 4 (Chorus - Bad Girl)
1,2.Step/roll Rt,
3,4.Step/roll Lt,
5,6.Open Rt,
7,8Open Lt (aka 4 corners)
1,2,3,4Fall rt (Walk rt, lt, rt, lt)
5 6.Fall left (lt, rt)
7,8.Turn ¾ left
(Repeat sequence on the back wall returning to the front wall)
Restart (Rotation 2)
Part 1,2,3,4, tag
Tag (“Get Me One of Them”)
1,2,3,4.Pump (or freestyle) for 4,
5,6,7,8.Swing ¼ left Pump (or freestyle) for 4
1,2.Rt salsa,
3,4.Rt salsa,
5,6.Left coaster,
7&8.¼ right
(repeat pump sequence back to front wall)
Restart (Rotation 3)
Part 1,2,3*(slight change DO NOT change walls), part 4
Tag 2x
End of Dance
Last Update - 28 Jul. 2024 - R1
1 - 1,2,3,4
2 - 1,2,3,4,tag
3 - 1,2,3*,4,tag, tag
Part 1 (Verse)
1&2.Rt kick and cross tap left behind right
3&4.Rt kick and cross tap left behind tright
5&6.Lt kick and cross
7,8.Half turn right to the back wall
(Repeat sequence on the back wall, returning to the front wall)
Part 2 (Verse)
1,2.Rock rt twist right knee, rock left (twist knee),
3,4.Rock double right (twist knee),
5,6.Rock left knee, rock right knee,
7,8.Rock with half turn left to back wall
(Repeat sequence on the back wall, returning to the front wall)
Part 3 (Verse)
1,2.Rt sailor,
3,4.Lt sailor,
5,6.Roll up Rt,
7,8.Roll back on the rt
1,2.Lt sailor,
3,4.Rt sailor,
5,6.Roll up Left,
7,8.Half turn left to the back wall
(Repeat sequence on the back wall, returning to the front wall)
Part 4 (Chorus - Bad Girl)
1,2.Step/roll Rt,
3,4.Step/roll Lt,
5,6.Open Rt,
7,8Open Lt (aka 4 corners)
1,2,3,4Fall rt (Walk rt, lt, rt, lt)
5 6.Fall left (lt, rt)
7,8.Turn ¾ left
(Repeat sequence on the back wall returning to the front wall)
Restart (Rotation 2)
Part 1,2,3,4, tag
Tag (“Get Me One of Them”)
1,2,3,4.Pump (or freestyle) for 4,
5,6,7,8.Swing ¼ left Pump (or freestyle) for 4
1,2.Rt salsa,
3,4.Rt salsa,
5,6.Left coaster,
7&8.¼ right
(repeat pump sequence back to front wall)
Restart (Rotation 3)
Part 1,2,3*(slight change DO NOT change walls), part 4
Tag 2x
End of Dance
Last Update - 28 Jul. 2024 - R1