CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Still Learning

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High Improver
Liselotte Øgaard (DK) & Charlotte Jakobsen (DK) - July 2024
Still Learning - Bryce Leatherwood
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Intro 16 counts 3 Tags, 1 Restarts & 1 Easy Bridge

[1-8] Walk Fwd R/L, Fwd Mambo, Sweep Back L, Sweep Back R, Coaster Cross
1-2Walk R fwd (1), Walk L fwd (2)
3&4Rock R fwd (3), Recover on L (&), Step R Beside L (4)
5-6Sweep L to left side while stepping back (5), Sweep R to right side while stepping back (6)
7&8Walk L back (7), Step R next to L (&), Cross L over R (8)

[9-16] Side Together, Chassé ¼ Turn R. Step Pivot ½ Turn R, Shuffle ½ Turn R.
1-2Step R to right side (making a big step) (1), Touch L next to R (2)
3&4Step R to right (3), Step L next to R (&), Turn ¼ right stepping R fwd (4) 3:00
5-6Step L fwd (5), Turn ½ Right (6) 9:00
7&8Turn ¼ left stepping L to left side 12.00 (7), Step R next to L (&), Turn ¼ left stepping L back (8) 3:00
Note: Restart here

[17-24] Walk back R/L, Shuffle ½ Turn R, Step Pivot ¼ Turn R, Cross Shuffle
1-2Walk R back (1), Walk L back (2)
3&4Turn ¼ right stepping R to right side (3) 06:00, Step L next to R (&), Turn ¼ right stepping R fwd (4) 9:00
5-6Step L fwd (5) 9:00, Turn ¼ right (6) 12:00
7&8Cross L over R (7), Step R to right side (&), Cross L over R (8)
Note: Bridge here (sway R/L), and go on with the next (25-32)

[25-32] ½ Rhumba fwd x 2 R/L, Step Pivot ½ Turn L, Step, Side Rock, Step fwd
1&2Step R to right side (1), step L next to R (6), Step R fwd (2)
3&4Step L to left side (3), step R next to L (&), Step L fwd (4)
5&6Step R fwd (5), Turn ½ left (&), Step R fwd (6)6:00
7&8Rock L to left side (7), Recover on R (&), Step L fwd (8)

[33-40] L Full Turn, Mambo step fwd, Coaster, Cross, Syncopated Weave
1-2Turn ½ left stepping R back (1) 12:00, Turn ½ left stepping L fwd (2) 6:00
3&4Rock R fwd (3), Recover on L (&), Step R next to L (4)
5&6Step L back (5), Step R next to L (&), Cross L over R (6)
&7&8Step R to right side (&), Cross L over R (7), Step R to right side (&), Cross L Slightly in front (8)

Start again
1Tag after Wall 1, facing 6:00, 8 counts. Monterey ¼ Turn R, Jazzbox
2Tag after Wall 2, facing 3:00, and 3 Tag after wall 5, facing 9:00, 4 counts. Monterey ¼ Turn R.
1-4Point R to right side (1), turn ¼ right while stepping R next to L (2), Point L to left side (3), Step L next to R (4)
5-8Cross R over L (5), Step L back (6) Step R to right side (7), Step L fwd (8)

Restart after Wall 3, facing 9.00 (when you step L back you make a short step and a little hitch with the R leg, so you can start by walking R fwd)

Bridge at wall 6 after 24 counts facing 12:00, 2 counts, Sway R/L, and go on with ½ Rhumba etc…

Ending after Wall 7 facing 12:00 After Syncopated weave step R fwd.

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