High Beginner
Intro: Start on vocals (neem)
**2 x 4 Count Tags: End of wall 5 facing 9:00 and end of wall 10 facing 6:00
***3 Restarts after ¼ turn:
Wall 3 facing 3:00
Wall 8 facing 12:00
Wall 12 facing 3:00
Restarts are easy to hear. It is when the verse starts.
Vine to the right, vine to the left with ¼ turn
1-4Step RF to right, cross LF behind RF, step RF to right, touch LF to RF
5-8Step LF to left side, cross RF behind LF, ¼ turn to left stepping on left foot fw, brush RF into next step. (Restart is here on wall 3,8 and 12)
V step, Jazz box cross
1-2Step RF forward diagonal, step LF fw diagonal
3-4Step RF back to centre, step LF back to RF. (Creating a V)
5-6Cross RF over LF, step back with LF
7-8Step RF back, cross LF over RF
Chasse R, back rock, chasse L, back rock
1&2Step RF to R, step LF to RF, step RF to R
3-4Rock back on LF, recover on RF
5&6Step LF to L, step RF to LF, step LF to L
7-8Rock back on RF, recover on LF
Side, together, fw shuffle, side, together, coaster step
1-2Step RF to R, step LF to RF
3&4Step RF fw, step LF to RF, step RF fw
5-6Step LF to L, step RF to LF
7&8Step LF back, step RF to LF, step LF fw
~~~ Enjoy ~~~
Last Update: 7 Jul 2024
**2 x 4 Count Tags: End of wall 5 facing 9:00 and end of wall 10 facing 6:00
***3 Restarts after ¼ turn:
Wall 3 facing 3:00
Wall 8 facing 12:00
Wall 12 facing 3:00
Restarts are easy to hear. It is when the verse starts.
Vine to the right, vine to the left with ¼ turn
1-4Step RF to right, cross LF behind RF, step RF to right, touch LF to RF
5-8Step LF to left side, cross RF behind LF, ¼ turn to left stepping on left foot fw, brush RF into next step. (Restart is here on wall 3,8 and 12)
V step, Jazz box cross
1-2Step RF forward diagonal, step LF fw diagonal
3-4Step RF back to centre, step LF back to RF. (Creating a V)
5-6Cross RF over LF, step back with LF
7-8Step RF back, cross LF over RF
Chasse R, back rock, chasse L, back rock
1&2Step RF to R, step LF to RF, step RF to R
3-4Rock back on LF, recover on RF
5&6Step LF to L, step RF to LF, step LF to L
7-8Rock back on RF, recover on LF
Side, together, fw shuffle, side, together, coaster step
1-2Step RF to R, step LF to RF
3&4Step RF fw, step LF to RF, step RF fw
5-6Step LF to L, step RF to LF
7&8Step LF back, step RF to LF, step LF fw
~~~ Enjoy ~~~
Last Update: 7 Jul 2024