High Beginner
#32 count intro. *1 Restart—Wall 4 after 16 counts
Side Step Together, Shuffle Fwd., Side Step Touch, Side Step, ½ Turn
1-2Step R to R side, Step L together with R
3&4Shuffle Forward R, L, R
5-6Step L to L side, Touch R toe behind L
7-8Step R to R side, Turn ½ turn over L shoulder (keeping pressure on R) (6:00)
Side Step Together, Shuffle Fwd., Side Step Hold, Cross and Cross
1-2Step L to L side, Step R together with L
3&4Shuffle Forward L, R, L
5-6Step R to R side, Hold
7&8Cross step L over R, Step R to R Side, Cross step L over R
*(Restart here during wall 4)
Side Rock, Cross and Cross, Side Step, ¼ ¼ ¼ turn
1-2Rock R to side, Recover onto L
3&4Cross step R over L, Step L to L side, Cross step R over L
5-6Step L to L side, Turn ¼ turn over R shoulder step R to R Side (9:00)
7-8Turn ¼ turn R step L to L side (12:00), Turn ¼ turn over R shoulder step R to R side (3:00)
Vaudeville, Ball Change Heel, Long Side Step, Drag, Two Stomps
1&2Cross step L over R, Step back onto R, L heel tap forward
&3-4Ball Change L step then R, L heel tap forward
5-6Long step L to L side, Drag R to meet L
7-8Stomp R in place, Stomp L in place
Contact Stacey at
YouTube: @LineDancewithStacey
Facebook: Line Dance with Stacey & Kelli
Last Update: 24 Feb 2025
Side Step Together, Shuffle Fwd., Side Step Touch, Side Step, ½ Turn
1-2Step R to R side, Step L together with R
3&4Shuffle Forward R, L, R
5-6Step L to L side, Touch R toe behind L
7-8Step R to R side, Turn ½ turn over L shoulder (keeping pressure on R) (6:00)
Side Step Together, Shuffle Fwd., Side Step Hold, Cross and Cross
1-2Step L to L side, Step R together with L
3&4Shuffle Forward L, R, L
5-6Step R to R side, Hold
7&8Cross step L over R, Step R to R Side, Cross step L over R
*(Restart here during wall 4)
Side Rock, Cross and Cross, Side Step, ¼ ¼ ¼ turn
1-2Rock R to side, Recover onto L
3&4Cross step R over L, Step L to L side, Cross step R over L
5-6Step L to L side, Turn ¼ turn over R shoulder step R to R Side (9:00)
7-8Turn ¼ turn R step L to L side (12:00), Turn ¼ turn over R shoulder step R to R side (3:00)
Vaudeville, Ball Change Heel, Long Side Step, Drag, Two Stomps
1&2Cross step L over R, Step back onto R, L heel tap forward
&3-4Ball Change L step then R, L heel tap forward
5-6Long step L to L side, Drag R to meet L
7-8Stomp R in place, Stomp L in place
Contact Stacey at
YouTube: @LineDancewithStacey
Facebook: Line Dance with Stacey & Kelli
Last Update: 24 Feb 2025