Absolute Beginner
Start after 12 counts of Intro - No Restarts, no Tags
Part 1: Step Point - Step Point (fwd and bwd)
123RF fwd - Point with LF to side - hold
456LF fwd - Point with RF to side - hold
123RF bwd - Point with LF to side - hold
456LF bwd - Point with RF to side - hold
Part 2: Step Hitch - Step Ronde
123RF fwd - left knee hitch on 2 3 - 1/4 turn to right
456LF bwd- RF Ronde
Part 3: Weave - Slide
123RF cross behind LF - LF to side - RF cross in front of LF
456LF slide to the left
Part 4: Step Clap
123RF to right - high double clap on 2 3
456LF to left - low double clap on 5 6
123RF to right - high double clap on 2 3
456LF to left - low double clap on 5 6
Part 5:
123Step RF to right - Step LF beside RF on 3
456Step RF to right with a slight sway to right
123Step LF to the left - Step RF beside LF on 3
456Step LF to the left with a slight sway to left
Part 1: Step Point - Step Point (fwd and bwd)
123RF fwd - Point with LF to side - hold
456LF fwd - Point with RF to side - hold
123RF bwd - Point with LF to side - hold
456LF bwd - Point with RF to side - hold
Part 2: Step Hitch - Step Ronde
123RF fwd - left knee hitch on 2 3 - 1/4 turn to right
456LF bwd- RF Ronde
Part 3: Weave - Slide
123RF cross behind LF - LF to side - RF cross in front of LF
456LF slide to the left
Part 4: Step Clap
123RF to right - high double clap on 2 3
456LF to left - low double clap on 5 6
123RF to right - high double clap on 2 3
456LF to left - low double clap on 5 6
Part 5:
123Step RF to right - Step LF beside RF on 3
456Step RF to right with a slight sway to right
123Step LF to the left - Step RF beside LF on 3
456Step LF to the left with a slight sway to left