CopperKnob Stepsheets

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As Good As You Look

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Lindsay Spence (SCO) - March 2024
Do You Love As Good As You Look - The Bellamy Brothers
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start on vocals after long blond hair no tags or restarts

section 1 R side touch L kick ball step, L side touch R kick ball step
1,2 3&4right side, left touch beside, left kick & step,
5,6 7&8left side, right touch beside, right kick &step

section 2 Rumba
1,2right side, left together
3&4right forward left forward right forward
5,6left side, right together
7&8left back right back left back

section 3 Rock back 1/4 turn cross, hinge ½ turn cross
1,2right rock back recover
3&4step forward on right, make ¼ turn
5,6cross right over left, step back on left
7,8step right to side,cross left over right

section 4 Side rock, sailor , sailor ¼ turn, fwd R/L
1,2rock right to side recover
3&4right behind left, left behind right, right to side
5&6left behind right, making ¼ turn,right behind left, left to side
7,8walk forward right, walk forward left

section 5 Side together, shassy, cross rock shassy
1,2right side, left beside left
3&4right side left together right side
5,6left cross over right recover
7&8left side, right together left side

section 6 Weave, cross rock ,shuffle ¼ turn
1,2right cross over left, left side
3,4right behind left, left side
5,6right cross over left recover
7,8right side making ¼ turn, left beside ,right forward

section 7 Shuffle 1/2 turn, unwind ½ rock coaster
1&2left back making ½ turn, right beside, left back
3,4step right back, turn ½ left
5,6right rock forward recover
7&8right back, left beside, right forward

section 8 Step ¼ turn, cross shuffle, sway R/L/R/L
1,2left step forward ¼ turn
3&4left cross over right, right side, left cross over right
5,6,7,8step right sway hip to right, step left sway hip to left, x2

Hope you enjoy the dance !!!

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