High Beginner
Intro: 2 Counts. Start at approx. 2 secs
Sec 1: Rocking chair R, shuffle forward R, toe tap behind pivot ½ turn
1-2Rock forward on R, recover on L
3-4Rock back on R, recover on L
5-6Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward
7-8Toe tap behind L pivot 1/2 turn transfer weight on L
Sec 2: Shuffle, rocking chair, step pivot ½ turn R
1-2Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward
3-4Rock forward on L, recover on R
5-6Rock back on L, recover on R
7-8Step forward L pivot ½ turn R
Sec 3: L R heel dig, R L step, R L heel dig, L step, R touch
1&2L heel dig forward, step L heel back, R heel dig forward
3-4Step R next to L, step L next to R
5&6R heel dig forward, step R heel back, L heel dig forward
7-8Step L next to R, touch R next to L
Sec 4: Heel dig, toe tap, Grapevine R, slide L ¼ turn, scuff R
1-2R heel dig forward, R toe tap
3-4Step R to side, step L behind
5-6Step R to side, touch L next to R
7-8Step L to side ¼ turn, scuff R
Tags: After wall 4, 6 & 7
1-2Rock forward on R, recover on L
3-4Rock back on R, recover on L
5-6Step R forward pivot ½ turn
7-8Step R forward pivot ½ turn
Tag is repeated twice after wall 4 & 7 (16 count) and one after wall 6 (8 counts)
Sec 1: Rocking chair R, shuffle forward R, toe tap behind pivot ½ turn
1-2Rock forward on R, recover on L
3-4Rock back on R, recover on L
5-6Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward
7-8Toe tap behind L pivot 1/2 turn transfer weight on L
Sec 2: Shuffle, rocking chair, step pivot ½ turn R
1-2Step R forward, Step L together, Step R forward
3-4Rock forward on L, recover on R
5-6Rock back on L, recover on R
7-8Step forward L pivot ½ turn R
Sec 3: L R heel dig, R L step, R L heel dig, L step, R touch
1&2L heel dig forward, step L heel back, R heel dig forward
3-4Step R next to L, step L next to R
5&6R heel dig forward, step R heel back, L heel dig forward
7-8Step L next to R, touch R next to L
Sec 4: Heel dig, toe tap, Grapevine R, slide L ¼ turn, scuff R
1-2R heel dig forward, R toe tap
3-4Step R to side, step L behind
5-6Step R to side, touch L next to R
7-8Step L to side ¼ turn, scuff R
Tags: After wall 4, 6 & 7
1-2Rock forward on R, recover on L
3-4Rock back on R, recover on L
5-6Step R forward pivot ½ turn
7-8Step R forward pivot ½ turn
Tag is repeated twice after wall 4 & 7 (16 count) and one after wall 6 (8 counts)