Intro: 64/32 Counts, Start at approx 22/11 secs
SEC 1 Side Slide, Weave, Sweep, Cross, Side
1-2Step right to right sliding left towards right over 2 counts
3-4Step left behind right, step right to right
5-6Cross left over right sweeping right from back to front over 2 counts
7-8Cross right over left, step left to left
SEC 2 Behind Sweep, Behind, Hold, Side Strut, Cross Strut
1-2Step right behind left sweeping left from front to back over 2 counts
3-4Step left behind right, hold
5-6Touch right to right, drop right heel transferring weight onto right
7-8Touch left over right, drop left heel transferring weight onto left
Restart Here on Wall 6
SEC 3 Rumba Box
1-2Step right to right, step left beside right
3-4Step right forward, touch left beside right
5-6Step left to left, step right beside left
7-8Step left back, touch right beside left
SEC 4 Reverse Rocking Chair, Side Rock, Touch Behind, ½ Unwind
1-2Rock right back, recover weight onto left
3-4Rock right forward, recover weight onto left
5-6Rock right to right, recover weight onto left
7-8Touch right behind left, unwind ½ right keeping weight on left (6:00)
SEC 1 Side Slide, Weave, Sweep, Cross, Side
1-2Step right to right sliding left towards right over 2 counts
3-4Step left behind right, step right to right
5-6Cross left over right sweeping right from back to front over 2 counts
7-8Cross right over left, step left to left
SEC 2 Behind Sweep, Behind, Hold, Side Strut, Cross Strut
1-2Step right behind left sweeping left from front to back over 2 counts
3-4Step left behind right, hold
5-6Touch right to right, drop right heel transferring weight onto right
7-8Touch left over right, drop left heel transferring weight onto left
Restart Here on Wall 6
SEC 3 Rumba Box
1-2Step right to right, step left beside right
3-4Step right forward, touch left beside right
5-6Step left to left, step right beside left
7-8Step left back, touch right beside left
SEC 4 Reverse Rocking Chair, Side Rock, Touch Behind, ½ Unwind
1-2Rock right back, recover weight onto left
3-4Rock right forward, recover weight onto left
5-6Rock right to right, recover weight onto left
7-8Touch right behind left, unwind ½ right keeping weight on left (6:00)