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Hello From the Road

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Phrased Intermediate
Manuela (IT) & Annalisa (IT) - February 2024
Hello From the Road - Kolby Cooper
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Sequence: A, Tag, B, A, B, A, B, Final (B 16 counts + 4 counts)
Start to dance on lyrics

PART A – 32 counts
Seq. 1: Side step, beside, shuffle forward, side step, beside, shuffle back
1 – 2R side step to R, recover L beside R (weight on L)
3&4R step forward, recover L beside R, R step forward
5 – 6L side step to L, recover R beside L (weight on R)
7&8L step back, recover R beside L, L step back

Seq. 2: Coaster step, stomp, hold, sailor step, ½ L turn sailor step
1&2R step back, recover L beside R, R step forward
3 – 4L stomp forward, hold
5&6cross R foot behind L, recover weight on L, R side step to R
7&8½ turn cross L foot behind R, recover weight on R, L side step to L

Seq. 3: Side shuffle, cross rock back, grapevine, stomp up
1&2R step to R, recover L beside R, R step to R
3 – 4cross L behind R, recover weight on R
5 – 6L step to L, cross R behind L (weight on R)
7 – 8L step to L, stomp up R beside L

Seq. 4: ½ turn rock in heel grind, rock back, step pivot x 2
1 – 2½ turn right R rock forward in heel grind, recover weight on L
3 – 4R step back, recover weight on L
5 – 6R step forward, ½ turn right (weight on L)
7 – 8R step forward, ½ turn right (weight on L)

TAG – 16 counts
Seq. 1: Vaudeville x2, triple cross, side rock step
1&2&cross R over L, recover weight on L and put R heel diagonally forward, recover weight on R
3&4&cross L over R, recover weight on R and put L heel diagonally forward, recover weight on L
5&6cross R over L, small L step beside R (still in cross), small R step to L (weight on R)
7 – 8L side step to L and touch your hat with your left hand, recover weight on R

Seq. 2: Cross & cross, ¼ turn rock, ½ turn shuffle, ¼ turn stomp, stomp up
1&2cross L behind R, R step to R, cross L over R
3 – 4¼ turn right R step forward, recover weight on L
5&6½ turn right R step forward, recover L beside R, R step forward
7 – 8¼ turn right L stomp, R stomp up

PART B – 32 counts
Seq. 1: Long step, drag, long step, drag, long step, drag, low kick, step back
1 – 2R long diagonal step forward to R, drag L foot beside R (weight on R)
3&4L long diagonal step forward to L, drag R foot beside L (weight on L), long diagonal step forward R to R
5 – 6drag L foot beside R (weight on R)
7 – 8low L kick forward, L step back

Seq. 2: Full turn R in toe strut, long step back, drag, point, step forward
1 – 2½ turn R, R toe strut (weight on R)
3&4½ turn R, L toe strut (weight on L), R long step back
5 – 6drag L foot beside R
7 – 8L point back, L step forward

Seq. 3: R side point, cross, L side point, cross, R side low kick, unwind full turn
1 – 2R side point to R, R cross step forward (weight on R)
3 – 4L side point to L, L cross step forward (weight on L)
5 – 6R side low kick to R, cross R foot over L
7 – 8full turn around to L (weight on L)

Seq. 4: Long step, drag, long step x2, drag, brush circle, point cross back
1 – 2R long step back, drag L foot beside R (weight on L)
3 – 4R long step back, L long step back
5 – 6drag R foot beside L
7 – 8brush R foot to R describing a circle clockwise direction, cross R point behind L foot.

Final: (B 16 counts + 4 counts)
after 16 counts of part B execute counts from 5 to 8 of the 3^ sequence.

Part B counts are as consistent as possible with the dance but, for better execution of the choreography,
we suggest to follow melody and lyrics of the song and refer to the video of the dance.

I conteggi della parte B sono il più possibile coerenti con il ballato ma, per una migliore esecuzione della
coreografia, suggeriamo di seguire la melodia e il cantato del brano e di fare riferimento al video del ballato.

Last Update - 14 Feb. 2024 - R1

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