CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sebastian Buttgereit (DE) - February 2024
Cynical - twocolors, Safri Duo & Chris de Sarandy
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Begin dancing after 8 seconds, just before the vocals kick in.
Tags: 32 Count Tag

Cross, Out, Chassé to the left ¼ Turn L; Step Turn ½ L; Chassé to the right 1/4 L
1-2Cross L over R, Step R on side
3&4Chassé to the left (LRL) (turn ¼ over your left shoulder)
5-6Step Turn (turn ½ over your left shoulder)
7&8Chassé to the right (RLR) (turn ¼ left to face 12:00 again)

Cross Rock, Recover, Side, Cross, Chassé to the left, Cross,  A Heel a
1-2Cross L over R, Recover on R 
3-4Step L to the side, Cross R over L
5&6Chassé to the L (LRL)
7&8&Step R over L (7), Step L side L (&), Touch R heel forward (8), Step R next to L (&)

Cross, Side R, Cross Shuffle, Side Touch 2x
1-2Cross L over R, Step R to R side
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R
5-6step R to R side, touch L together
7-8step L to L side, touch R together

Kick Ball Change, ¼ R Jazz Box, Scuff, Out, Out, In
1&2Kick R forward (1), Step R next to L (&), Step L in place (2)
3-4Cross R over L (3), Step L back (4)
5-6Step R 1/4 turn over R shoulder (5), Step L forward (6)
7&8&Scuff R forward (7), Step right on side (&), Step left on side (8), step right in slightly back(&)

Tag after finishing 9th sequence
Cross, V-Step, Shake
1-2Cross L over R, Step R fwd onto R diagonal (45 deg)
3-4Step L fwd onto L diagonal (45 deg), Step R back to centre
5-8Step L beside R, Arms to the side (5), Shake it (6-8)

Out, Out, In with ¼ turn R, In, Shake
1-2Step diagonally forward to R with RF, Step diagonally forward to L with LF
3-4Make a ¼ turn R and close RF next to LF, Close LF next to RF
5-8Arms to the side (5) – Shake it (6-8)

Grapevine Cross, Slide, Shake,
1-2Step Right to Right side. Cross Left behind Right
3-4Step Right to Right side. Cross step Left over Right
5-8Long step Right to Right side. (5) Drag Left towards Right and shake shoulders (6-8)

Grapevine Cross, Slide, Shake, Out, Out, In
1-2Left to Left side. Cross Right behind Left.
3-4Step Left to Left side. Cross step Right over Left
5-8Long step L to L side. (5) Drag R towers L (6-7), &8& Step right on side (&), Step left on side (8), step right in slightly back (&)

Last Update: 24 Jun 2024

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