CopperKnob Stepsheets

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On The Table

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Phrased Intermediate
Silvia Schill (DE) & Andreas Zschaschel (DE) - February 2024
Stumblin' In - CYRIL
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Sequenz: AA, BB, B*; AA, BB, B*; AA, AB**

The dance begins after 32 count, after using the vocals

Part/Part A (2 wall)
A1: Step, lock, locking shuffle forward r + l
1-2Step diagonally right forward with right - cross left foot behind right
3&4Step diagonally right forward with right - cross left foot behind right and step diagonally right forward with right
5-6Step diagonally left forward with left - cross right foot behind left
7&8Step diagonally left forward with left - cross right foot behind left and step diagonally left forward with left

A2: Rock forward, shuffle back turning ⅝ r, ½ turn r, ½ turn r, shuffle forward
1-2Step forward with right - weight back on left foot
3&4¼ turn right around and step right with right - move left foot next to right, ⅜ turn right around and step forward with right (7:30)
5-6½ turn right around and step back with left - ½ turn right around and step forward with right
7&8Step forward with left - move right foot next to left and step forward with left

A3: Walk 2, anchor step, ½ turn l, ½ turn l, ⅛ turn l/chassé l
1-22 steps forwards (r - l)
3&4Cross right foot behind left - step on the spot with left and small step backwards with right
5-6½ turn left around and step forward with left - ½ turn left around and step back with right
7&8⅛ turn left around and step left with left - move right foot next to left and step left with left (6 o'clock)

A4: Rock across-side-rock across-side-rock forward, back, back-touch
1-2&Cross right foot over left - weight back on left foot and step right with right
3-4&Cross left foot over right - weight back on right foot and step left with left
5-6Step forward with right - weight back on left foot
7-8&Step back with right - move left foot next to right, step back with left and and pull right foot next to left foot / touch

Part/part B (1 wall; starts 1st time towards 12 o'clock)
B1: Side, behind-side-cross, cross-side-behind-side-rock across-side-cross
1-2&Step right with right - cross left foot behind right and step right with right
3-4&Cross left foot over right - swing right foot forward in a circle, cross over left and step left with left
5-6&Cross right foot behind left - swing left foot back in a circle, cross behind right and step right with right
7&Cross left foot over right and weight back on right foot
8&Step left with left and cross right foot over left
Restart for B*: Break off here and continue with part A, thereby on '8&': 'Step left with left and tap right foot next to left'

B2: ¼ turn r, back-touch across-step, cross-side-behind, behind-¼ turn r-step-pivot ½ r-step touch
1-2&¼ turn right around and step back with left - swing right foot back in a circle, step back with right and touch the left toe slightly to the right of the right toe (3 o'clock)
3-4&Step forward with left - swing right foot forward in circle, cross over left and step left with left
5-6&Cross right foot behind left - swing left foot back in circle, cross behind right, thereby ¼ turn around and step forward with right (6 o'clock)
7&Step forward with left and ½ turn right around on both balls, weight at the end right (12 o'clock)
8&Step forward with left and touch right foot next to left foot

End for B**: The dance ends after '5-6&' - direction 12 o'clock; at the end 'step forward with left - touch right foot next to left')

Good Luck: Have fun practising: Silvia Schill & Andreas Zschaschel

And don't forget to smile, because dancing is fun!
There is no guarantee for errors in the translation, content, spelling, etc.!
Country Linedancer Berlin-Brandenburg e. V.

AndyZ February 8, 2024

AndyZ February 9, 2024
Ist ein sehr schöner Tanz geworden

Silvia February 9, 2024
Ja finde ich auch

AndyZ February 12, 2024
Kommentare fehlen noch ein wenig, weiß wahrscheinlich keiner, dass diese hier gemacht werden können

DigitalOase March 31, 2024
Habe eure Choreo jetzt mit Sven Reichelt auf Malle kennengelernt 🤗 gefällt mir sehr gut, auch der Phrased Wechsel.. einfach klasse zu dieser Musik. Danke!! 🤩 Conny Zimmermann 💃💫

Silvia April 1, 2024
Dankeschön....jipppppie, dass freut uns sehr😍☺️

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