High Beginner
Intro (Only once):
i1. Rumba box R forward.
1-2Step R to R side, L beside R, weight on L.
3&4Lock Step R forward.
5-6Step L to L side, R beside L, weight on R.
7&8Lock Step L backward.
i2. Rumba box R backward.
1-2Step R to R, L beside R, weight on L.
3&4Lock Step R backwards.
5-6Step L to L, R beside L, weight on R.
7&8Lock Step L forward.
i3. Side together, Chassè turn ¼ right, Mambo forward L ¼ turn L, Sway.
1-2Step R to R, step L next to R.
3&4Step R to R, L together, step R turning ¼ R. (3 O’clock)
5&6Rock forward on L, recover on R Turning ¼ L. (12 O’clock)
7-8Sway R, Sway L.
i4. Jazz box with ¼ turn R, Jazz box with ¼ R, cross.
1-2Cross R over L, step back making a ¼ turn to the R. (3 O’clock)
3-4Step R to R, step L forward.
5-6Cross R over L, step back making a ¼ turn to the R.
7-8Step R to R, cross L over R (6 O’clock).
The Dance:
S1. Chassé R, back rock, Chassé L, back rock.
1&2R to R, L together, R to R.
3-4Rock back on L, recover on R.
5&6L to L, R together, L to L.
7-8Rock back on R, recover L.
S2. Shuffle forward on R, step L turn ½ R, Shuffle forward on L, step R turn ¼ L.
1&2Step forward on R, L together, step R forward.
3-4Step forward on L, turn ½ to R.
5&6Step forward on L, R together, Step L forward.
7-8Step forward on R, turn ¼ to the L (Weight on L (9 O’clock))
S3. Heel grind, back rock x2.
1-2Forward on R heel, slightly turning from L to R with weight in R, recover on L.
3-4Rock back on R, recover on L.
5-6Forward on R heel, slightly turning from L to R with weight in R, recover on L.
7-8Rock back on R, recover on L.
S4. Extended grape vine, ¼ turn R.
1-2Step R to R, L behind R.
3-4Step R to R, cross L over R.
5-6R to R, L behind R.
7-8R to R with ¼ turn to R, L forward.
S5. Mambo forward, Mambo backward.
1-2Step R forward, recover on L.
3-4Step R beside L, Hold (Weight on R).
5-6Step back on L, recover on R.
7-8Step L beside R, Hold (Weight on L).
S6. Mambo side R & L
1-2Step R to R side, recover on L.
3-4Step R beside L, Hold (weight on R).
5-6Step L to L side, recover on R.
7-8Step L beside R, Hold (weight on L).
S7. R grape vine with turns
1-2Step R to R, cross L behind R.
3-4Turn ¼ R and step R forward, Step forward L.
5-6Make a ½ turn R (weight on R), make a ¼ turn R (weight on L).
7-8R behind L, L to L.
S8. L Weave with turns
1-2Cross R over L, step L to L.
3-4Cross R behind L, step L to L turning ¼ to L.
5-6Step forward on R, turn ½ to L.
7-8Turn ¼ to L on R cross L over R.
REPEAT to the end of music
i1. Rumba box R forward.
1-2Step R to R side, L beside R, weight on L.
3&4Lock Step R forward.
5-6Step L to L side, R beside L, weight on R.
7&8Lock Step L backward.
i2. Rumba box R backward.
1-2Step R to R, L beside R, weight on L.
3&4Lock Step R backwards.
5-6Step L to L, R beside L, weight on R.
7&8Lock Step L forward.
i3. Side together, Chassè turn ¼ right, Mambo forward L ¼ turn L, Sway.
1-2Step R to R, step L next to R.
3&4Step R to R, L together, step R turning ¼ R. (3 O’clock)
5&6Rock forward on L, recover on R Turning ¼ L. (12 O’clock)
7-8Sway R, Sway L.
i4. Jazz box with ¼ turn R, Jazz box with ¼ R, cross.
1-2Cross R over L, step back making a ¼ turn to the R. (3 O’clock)
3-4Step R to R, step L forward.
5-6Cross R over L, step back making a ¼ turn to the R.
7-8Step R to R, cross L over R (6 O’clock).
The Dance:
S1. Chassé R, back rock, Chassé L, back rock.
1&2R to R, L together, R to R.
3-4Rock back on L, recover on R.
5&6L to L, R together, L to L.
7-8Rock back on R, recover L.
S2. Shuffle forward on R, step L turn ½ R, Shuffle forward on L, step R turn ¼ L.
1&2Step forward on R, L together, step R forward.
3-4Step forward on L, turn ½ to R.
5&6Step forward on L, R together, Step L forward.
7-8Step forward on R, turn ¼ to the L (Weight on L (9 O’clock))
S3. Heel grind, back rock x2.
1-2Forward on R heel, slightly turning from L to R with weight in R, recover on L.
3-4Rock back on R, recover on L.
5-6Forward on R heel, slightly turning from L to R with weight in R, recover on L.
7-8Rock back on R, recover on L.
S4. Extended grape vine, ¼ turn R.
1-2Step R to R, L behind R.
3-4Step R to R, cross L over R.
5-6R to R, L behind R.
7-8R to R with ¼ turn to R, L forward.
S5. Mambo forward, Mambo backward.
1-2Step R forward, recover on L.
3-4Step R beside L, Hold (Weight on R).
5-6Step back on L, recover on R.
7-8Step L beside R, Hold (Weight on L).
S6. Mambo side R & L
1-2Step R to R side, recover on L.
3-4Step R beside L, Hold (weight on R).
5-6Step L to L side, recover on R.
7-8Step L beside R, Hold (weight on L).
S7. R grape vine with turns
1-2Step R to R, cross L behind R.
3-4Turn ¼ R and step R forward, Step forward L.
5-6Make a ½ turn R (weight on R), make a ¼ turn R (weight on L).
7-8R behind L, L to L.
S8. L Weave with turns
1-2Cross R over L, step L to L.
3-4Cross R behind L, step L to L turning ¼ to L.
5-6Step forward on R, turn ½ to L.
7-8Turn ¼ to L on R cross L over R.
REPEAT to the end of music