CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Toca Toca

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Hiroko Carlsson (AUS) - January 2024
Toca Toca - Fly Project
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Intro: 16 counts

[S1] Step-Pivot 3/4L, Side-Touch-Side-Touch, Toe Touch/Hip Bump Turn 1/4R, Toe Touch/Hip Bump Turn 1/2R-
1 2Step forward on R, Make a ¾ turn left recover weight on L (3:00)
&3&4Step R to the side, Touch L next to R, Step L to the side, Tap R toe behind L
5&6Touch R to the side making a ¼ turn right hip bump R-L (5&), R Hip bump/ stepping down (forward) on R foot (6) (6:00)
7&8Touch forward on L making a ½ turn right hip bump L-R (7&) (12:00), L hip bump/ stepping down (back) on L (8) (12:00)-

[S2] -1/2R Dorothy R, Rocking Chair, Side Rock-Hinge 1/2L, Side, Sailor-
1 2& -Make a ½ turn right stepping forward on R (6:00), Lock/step L behind R, Step forward on R
3&4&Rock forward on L, Replace weight on R, Rock back on L, Replace weight on R
5 6&Rock L to the side, Replace weight on R making a ½ turn left (12:00), Step slightly forward on L
7 8&Step R to the side, Step L behind R, Step R to the side-

[S3] -Step, Anchor, Hitch, Behind-1/4R, Heel Grind-Recover-Side, Heel Grind 1/4R-Recover-Side
1 2& -Step L to the side, Rock R behind L slightly hitch L knee, Replace weight on L
3 4&Step back on R and hitch L knee to the side, Step L behind R, Make a ¼ turn right stepping forward on R (3:00)
5 6&Rock forward on L heel twisting L toes from right to left, Recover weight on R, Step L to the side
7 8&Rock forward on R heel twisting R toes from left to right making ¼ turn right (6:00), Recover weight on L, Step R to the side

[S4] Fwd, Tap-&, Double Heel-&-Point, Fwd-Paddle R, Kick-Ball-(Step)
1 2&Step forward on L, Tap R toe behind L, Step back on R
3 4Touch L heel forward twice
&5Step back on L, Tap/point R back
6&7Step forward on R, Step forward on L, Make a ¼ turn right recover weight on R (9:00)
8&(1) Kick forward on L, Ball step L beside R, (Step forward on R – this is the first count at the beginning of the dance)

4 counts Tag at the end of Wall 4 (12:00) and Wall 5 (9:00)- 2x Step-Pivot 1/2L
1 2 3 4Step forward on R, Make a ½ turn left recover weight on L, Step forward on R, Make a ½ turn left recover weight on L

2 counts Tag at the end of Wall 8 (12:00)- Touch, Kick
1 2Touch R next to L, Kick forward on R

Ending suggestion: Start the last wall facing 9:00. Modify the final 8&1 count to: Step-Pivot 1/2R-Fwd (8&1) (12:00)."

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