CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Sunny Daze

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Michael Dye (USA) - August 2014
Sunny and 75 - Joe Nichols : (CD: Crickets)
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Legend: “R”=right foot, “L”=left foot, “Right”=direction, “Left”=direction

Intro: 32 counts (15 secs) Start on Vocals. 1 Short, 1 Restart
Sequence: A B C D C, A B C D C, A(Short) B C D C, A B C, Restart

[A Section]
Forward Lock Step, Forward Lock Step
1-2L forward, lock R behind L
3-4L forward, hold
5-6R forward, lock L behind R
7-8R forward, hold

Forward Lock Step, Back Step, Back Step
9-10L forward, lock R behind L
11-12L forward, hold
13-14R back, step L next to R
15-16L back, step R next to L

[17-32 Repeat 1-16 beginning with R]

[B Section]
Side Rock Recover Left, Triple Step, Side Rock Recover Right, Triple Step
1-2Rock L to Left, recover on R
3&4L in place, R in place, L in place
5-6Rock R to Right, recover on L
7&8R in place, L in place, R in place

Forward Rock Recover, Triple Step, Back Rock Recover, Triple Step
9-10Rock L forward, recover on R
11&12L in place, R in place, L in place
13-14Rock R back, recover on L
15&16R in place, L in place, R in place

[Section C]
Shuffle Forward, ½ Pivot turn, Sailor Step, Sailor Step
1&2Forward L, R next to L, forward on Lt
3-4Forward on Rt, pivot ½ Left
5&6L behind R, R to Right, L to Left
7&8R behind L, L to Left, R to Right

[9-16 Repeat 1-8] NOTE**Count 16 end of Sailor is R Touch, weight on L, only when going into section D

[Section D]
Side Rock Recover R, Crossing Triple, Step Drag, Step Drag
1-2Rock R to Right, recover on L
3&4Cross R over L, L to Left, cross R over L
5-6Step L Left, R next to L
7-8Step L Lef, R next to L

Side Rock Recover L, Crossing Triple, Step, Step, Shuffle Step (Full Turn)
9-10Rock L to Left, recover on R
11&12Cross L over Ri R to Right, cross L over R
13-14R ¼ turn to Right, L ¼ turn to Right
15&16(15) R ¼ turn to Right, (&) L next to R ¼ turn, (16) R forward (To 12:00)

[Repeat Section C]

Cycle 1 As Written
Cycle 2 As Written
Cycle 3 [Short] Section A 16 counts
NOTE** Counts 15-16 L step, R step, weight on R, continue with sections as written
Cycle 4 [Restart] Sections A-C as written, Restart Section A until end of song (32 counts)
[Snap fingers keeping count as music fades.]


Last Update - 18 Dec. 2024 - R1

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