Begins 0:16 into song, right before the words “when the spotlight”
Weight starts on left
[1-8] Diagonal Step forward, diagonal step backward, full turn, 3 stomps
1,2Step right foot forward at diagonal (2:00), touch left foot to right
3,4Step left foot backward at diagonal (7:00), touch right foot to left
5,6Cross right over left, unwind in a full turn (face the same wall you started on)
7&8Right foot stomp down, left foot stomp down, right foot stomp down
[9-16] Toe points x2, heel switches x2, skate x2
1,2Point right toe out to right side, point left toe to Left side
3,4Touch right heel forward, step right beside left, touch left heel forward, touch left beside right
5,6Moving forward slide right foot diagonally forward (2:00), take weight
7,8Moving forward slide left foot diagonally forward (10:00), take weight
[17-24] Stomp 1/4 turn right with right kick forward, coaster step x2
1,2Stomp right foot down, ¼ turn over left shoulder with left foot kick
3&4Left step down, right step, left step forward
5,6Stomp right foot down, ¼ turn over left shoulder with left foot kick
7&8Left step down, right step, left step forward
[26-32] Lock Step x2, ¼ turn with clap, ¼ turn with two claps
1&2Step R foot forward, lock L behind R, step R forward
3&4Step L foot forward, lock R behind L, step L forward
5,6Step right forward, ¼ turn over left shoulder, hold with a clap
7&8Step right forward, ¼ turn over left shoulder, hold with two claps
Can also go to Whiskey Drinkin’ by Mikel Knight
Contact: Rachel Van Heest (USA) :
Weight starts on left
[1-8] Diagonal Step forward, diagonal step backward, full turn, 3 stomps
1,2Step right foot forward at diagonal (2:00), touch left foot to right
3,4Step left foot backward at diagonal (7:00), touch right foot to left
5,6Cross right over left, unwind in a full turn (face the same wall you started on)
7&8Right foot stomp down, left foot stomp down, right foot stomp down
[9-16] Toe points x2, heel switches x2, skate x2
1,2Point right toe out to right side, point left toe to Left side
3,4Touch right heel forward, step right beside left, touch left heel forward, touch left beside right
5,6Moving forward slide right foot diagonally forward (2:00), take weight
7,8Moving forward slide left foot diagonally forward (10:00), take weight
[17-24] Stomp 1/4 turn right with right kick forward, coaster step x2
1,2Stomp right foot down, ¼ turn over left shoulder with left foot kick
3&4Left step down, right step, left step forward
5,6Stomp right foot down, ¼ turn over left shoulder with left foot kick
7&8Left step down, right step, left step forward
[26-32] Lock Step x2, ¼ turn with clap, ¼ turn with two claps
1&2Step R foot forward, lock L behind R, step R forward
3&4Step L foot forward, lock R behind L, step L forward
5,6Step right forward, ¼ turn over left shoulder, hold with a clap
7&8Step right forward, ¼ turn over left shoulder, hold with two claps
Can also go to Whiskey Drinkin’ by Mikel Knight
Contact: Rachel Van Heest (USA) :