CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Mt Fuji

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Snow (SG) - November 2023
Under Mount Fuji (富士山下) - Eason Chan (陳奕迅)
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For my friend Hansel

Intro: 36 counts instrumental (4 x 8 + 4). Start after vocals.

Total: 11 walls
3 restarts with bridge (walls 4, 8, 10)

Restart with bridge
Walls 4, 8, 10: after 22 counts
Add bridge before starting new wall

[1-8] L cross unwind full turn with R sweep, weave, hold, recover on L, step ¼ R turn
1-2Cross L over right, step down on L and unwind full turn to right, sweep R leg from front to back.
Easy option: Step back on L, sweep R leg from front to back.
3-4Step R behind left. Step L to the side.
5-6Cross step R over left. Hold.
7-8Recover on L. Step R forward making a ¼ turn to the right. [3:00]

[9-16] L and R forward diagonal slow Dorothy steps
1-4Step diagonally forward on L [1:30]. Hold. Lock step R behind left. Step L forward.
5-8Step diagonally forward on R [4:30]. Hold. Lock step L behind right. Step R forward.

[17-24] L cross rock, hold, recover on R, rolling vine to L, cross R over L, hold
1-3Cross L over right. Hold. Recover on R. [3:00]
4-6Step forward on L, making ¼ turn to left. Step back on R, making ½ turn to left. Step to the side on L, making ¼ turn to side (full turn traveling to the left). [3:00]
Easy option: Step L to side. Step R behind L. Step L to side (vine to the left).
*Add bridge here and restart during walls 4, 8 and 10.
7-8Cross R over left. Hold. [3:00]

[25-32] Walk back LRL, hold, recover on R, full turn forward, sweep L forward
1-4Step back on L. Step back on R. Step back on L. Lean back and hold (weight on left), pointing R foot in front.
5-7Recover on R. Step back on L, making ½ turn to the right. Step forward on R, making ½ turn to the right (full turn traveling forward). [3:00]
Easy option: Recover on R. Step forward on L. Step forward on R (walk forward).
8Sweep L from back to front. [3:00]

Bridge (24 counts)
After walls 4, 8, 10 (stop at 22 counts)
Slow down accordingly following the music

[1-8] R forward, full spin turn on R with sweep, point L
1-2Step R forward. Hold or prep for the spin turn.
3-8Make a full spin turn to R (weight on R), sweeping L leg, point to the left, hold and pose. [12:00]
Easy option: Point L foot to the left, hold and pose.

[9-16] L sway, R full turn, R sway, L full turn
1-2Step down on L. Sway to the left.
3-4Step forward on R, making a ½ turn to the right. Step back on L, making a ½ turn to the right (full turn traveling to the right).
Easy option: Step down on R. Step L beside right (shuffle to the right).
5-6Step R to the right. Sway to the right.
7-8Step forward on L, making a ½ turn to the left. Step back on R, making a ½ turn to the left (full turn traveling to the left).
Easy option: Step down on L. Step R beside left (shuffle to the left).

17-24 L coaster, hold, R forward, full turn forward, sweep L
1-4Step back on L. Step R beside L. Step L forward. Hold.
5-7Step R forward. Step back on L, making ½ turn to the right. Step forward on R, making ½ turn to the right (full turn traveling forward).
Easy option: Step R forward. Step forward on L. Step forward on R (walk forward).
8Sweep L leg from back to front. [12:00]

Wall 11 (16 counts) [6:00]
Slow down during the wall 10 bridge following the music.
Square off to end at the front wall [12:00] during the second Dorothy step [10:30].


Please go ahead add your own styling and expression to the dance.

Please feel free to dance, video, share!

Last Update - 13 Nov. 2023 - R1

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