Absolute Beginner
Intro: Start after 16 counts (about 10 sec)
Side, Tap Behind x 4
1 2Step R to R side, touch L behind R
3 4Step L to L side, touch R behind L
5 6Step R to R side, touch L behind R
7 8Step L to L side, touch R behind L
(Optional arms: Rotate arms in a circle and throw down towards each tapped foot.)
Swivels to forward R diagonal, Swivels to back R diagonal
1&2Step R to forward R diagonal swivelling heels right, left, right
3&4Swivel heels left, right, left
5&6Step R to back R diagonal swivelling heels right, left, right
7&8Swivel heels left, Right, Left
(Option to do hip bumps instead if dancers would rather not swivel)
Walk, Walk, Walk, Point, Back, Back, Back, Point
1 2Walk R, walk L
3 4Walk R, point L to L side
5 6Back L, back R
7 8Back L, point R to R side
Forward Point x 2, Paddle 1/8 L x 4
1 2Step R forward, point L to L side
3 4Step L forward, point R to R side
5-8Touch R to side (5) push off it to recover weight L turning 1/8 L (&) x 4
(Optional arms: Roll arms as you push around on 5-8) (6.00)
Side, Tap Behind x 4
1 2Step R to R side, touch L behind R
3 4Step L to L side, touch R behind L
5 6Step R to R side, touch L behind R
7 8Step L to L side, touch R behind L
(Optional arms: Rotate arms in a circle and throw down towards each tapped foot.)
Swivels to forward R diagonal, Swivels to back R diagonal
1&2Step R to forward R diagonal swivelling heels right, left, right
3&4Swivel heels left, right, left
5&6Step R to back R diagonal swivelling heels right, left, right
7&8Swivel heels left, Right, Left
(Option to do hip bumps instead if dancers would rather not swivel)
Walk, Walk, Walk, Point, Back, Back, Back, Point
1 2Walk R, walk L
3 4Walk R, point L to L side
5 6Back L, back R
7 8Back L, point R to R side
Forward Point x 2, Paddle 1/8 L x 4
1 2Step R forward, point L to L side
3 4Step L forward, point R to R side
5-8Touch R to side (5) push off it to recover weight L turning 1/8 L (&) x 4
(Optional arms: Roll arms as you push around on 5-8) (6.00)