CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Little Rain Cha

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Karla Carter-Smith (CAN) - October 2023
Little Rain - Morgan Wallen
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#16 count intro

Step scuff hitch, Crossing Shuffle, Rock Step, ¾ Sailor right
1,2Step forward on right foot(1), scuff toe of left foot forward angling body slightly to 1:00(2)
3&4Step down on left foot crossing over right(3), right step to right side(&), cross left over right(4)(12:00)
5, 6Rock right to right side(5), recover left to left(6)(12:00)
7&8swing right foot behind left turning ¾ turn right stepping forward(7), left foot step to left (&), right foot step forward(8)(9:00)

Rock step, step lock step back, Kick & Kick & Rock Step
9,10Rock forward on left(1), recover back on right(2)
11&12Step left back (3), cross right foot in front of left(&), step left back(4)
13&14Kick right forward(5), step down on right(&), Kick left forward(6)
&15, 16Step down on left(&), rock forward on right(7), recover back on left(8) (9:00)
Restarts here: on count 16, instead of rocking back on left, step left beside right to restart the dance

Step lock step back, ¼ left step touch, Side shuffle, Rock Step
17&18Step back on right foot(1), cross left foot step in front of right(&), Step back on right(2)
19, 20¼ left big step left to left side(3), touch right toe beside(4)(6:00)
21&22Right foot to right side(5), Left step together(&), Right to right side(6),(6:00)
23, 24Cross rock left foot over right(7), recover right in place(8) (6:00)

1/4 turn left Sailor step, Kick ball step, Rocking Chair
25&26Step left foot behind right turning 1/4 left(1), step right to right,(&) step left forward(2)(3:00)
27&28Kick right foot forward(3), Step right in place(&), step left forward (4)(3:00)
29, 30Rock forward on right foot(5), recover onto left(6)(3:00)
31, 32Rock back on right foot(7), recover onto left(8)(3:00)

Restart 1: During the third sequence, you will start the dance facing 6:00 Dance up to count 16 and restart facing 3:00.
Restart 2: During the sixth sequence, you will start the dance facing 9:00. Dance up to count 16 and restart facing 6:00.
Restart 3: During the eighth sequence, you will start the dance facing 9:00. Dance up to count 16 and restart facing 6:00

Tag: At the end of wall 1 and wall 4, you will add the following 4 counts
wall 1 facing 3:00, wall 4 facing 6:00
Tag: Rocking Chair
1, 2Rock forward on right foot(1), recover onto left(2)
3, 4Rock back on right foot(3), recover onto left(4)

Ending: Wall 10 starts facing 12:00, dance first 8 counts as written, then continue as follows to end facing 12:00
9,10Step forward on left foot(1)(9:00), turn ¼ turn right stepping right to right side(2)(12:00)
11&12Cross left foot over right stepping down(3), step right to right(&), cross left foot over right stepping down(4)12:00
13,14Step right foot big step to right(5), drag left toe beside(6)(12:00)

Repeat, Have fun!

Last Update - 7 Sept. 2024 - R2
PatL October 25, 2023
That's awesome, Karla! Lovely dance!

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