Absolute Beginner
Dance starts just before the lyrics “you look like fun” (on the third padam) approx 15 seconds
SEC 1 Point Forward, Together x4
1-2Point right forward, step right beside left
3-4Point left forward, step left beside right
5-6Point right forward, step right beside left
7-8Point left forward, step left beside right
SEC 2 Step Diagonal Forward R, Point L, Step Forward L Point R, Walk Back Diagonally
1,2Step diagonal forward right, point left to left side
3,4Step forward left, point right to right side
5,6,7,8Walk back right, left, right, touch left next to right, squaring up to front wall
SEC 3 Step Diagonal forward L, Point R, Step Forward R, Point L, Walk Back Diagonally
1,2Step diagonal forward left, point right to right side
3,4Step forward right, point left to left side
5,6,7,8Walk back left, right, left, touch right next to left, squaring up to front wall.
SEC 4 Charleston Step x 2
1 - 4Step right forward. Kick left forward. Step left back. Touch right back
5 - 8Step right forward. Kick left forward. Step left back. Touch right back
SEC 5 Grapevine R touch, Grapevine L ¼ turn
1,2,3,4Step right to right side, Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
5,6,7,8Step left to left side, Step right behind left, Step left to left side while making 1/4 turn over your left shoulder, Touch right next to left
1,2,3,4Step right forward to right diagonal, Touch left next to right, Step left back to left diagonal, Touch right next to left
5,6,7,8Step right back to right diagonal, Touch left next to right, Step left forward to left diagonal, Touch right next to left
SEC 1 Point Forward, Together x4
1-2Point right forward, step right beside left
3-4Point left forward, step left beside right
5-6Point right forward, step right beside left
7-8Point left forward, step left beside right
SEC 2 Step Diagonal Forward R, Point L, Step Forward L Point R, Walk Back Diagonally
1,2Step diagonal forward right, point left to left side
3,4Step forward left, point right to right side
5,6,7,8Walk back right, left, right, touch left next to right, squaring up to front wall
SEC 3 Step Diagonal forward L, Point R, Step Forward R, Point L, Walk Back Diagonally
1,2Step diagonal forward left, point right to right side
3,4Step forward right, point left to left side
5,6,7,8Walk back left, right, left, touch right next to left, squaring up to front wall.
SEC 4 Charleston Step x 2
1 - 4Step right forward. Kick left forward. Step left back. Touch right back
5 - 8Step right forward. Kick left forward. Step left back. Touch right back
SEC 5 Grapevine R touch, Grapevine L ¼ turn
1,2,3,4Step right to right side, Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Touch left next to right
5,6,7,8Step left to left side, Step right behind left, Step left to left side while making 1/4 turn over your left shoulder, Touch right next to left
1,2,3,4Step right forward to right diagonal, Touch left next to right, Step left back to left diagonal, Touch right next to left
5,6,7,8Step right back to right diagonal, Touch left next to right, Step left forward to left diagonal, Touch right next to left