Absolute Beginner
Intro: 16 count
TAG: 2 counts tag after wall 6 and wall 10, both times facing 6:00
Tag: Back R+L
1-2Step back on R, step back on L
S1. Fwd rumba-box, sweep back x 2 (R+L), sweep back into sailor-step ¼ turn R
1&2Step R to R side, step L beside R, step fwd on R
3&4Step L to L side, step R beside L, step back on L
5-6Sweep R back, sweep L back
7&8Sweep R behind L ¼ turn R, step L to L side, step slightly fwd on R (3:00)
S2. Fwd shuffle, fwd mambo, coaster-step, kick-ball-cross-tap
1&2Step fwd on L, step R beside L, step fwd on L
3&4Rock fwd on R, recover on L, step R beside L
5&6Step back on L, step R beside L, step fwd on L
7&8&Kick R fwd, step R beside L, cross L over R, tap R toes behind LF
TAG: 2 counts tag after wall 6 and wall 10, both times facing 6:00
Tag: Back R+L
1-2Step back on R, step back on L
S1. Fwd rumba-box, sweep back x 2 (R+L), sweep back into sailor-step ¼ turn R
1&2Step R to R side, step L beside R, step fwd on R
3&4Step L to L side, step R beside L, step back on L
5-6Sweep R back, sweep L back
7&8Sweep R behind L ¼ turn R, step L to L side, step slightly fwd on R (3:00)
S2. Fwd shuffle, fwd mambo, coaster-step, kick-ball-cross-tap
1&2Step fwd on L, step R beside L, step fwd on L
3&4Rock fwd on R, recover on L, step R beside L
5&6Step back on L, step R beside L, step fwd on L
7&8&Kick R fwd, step R beside L, cross L over R, tap R toes behind LF