CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Feeling Famous

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Lillemor Trell (SWE) - July 2023
Feelin' Famous - The Tuten Brothers
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Intro: 16 counts. Start on lyrics. Start with weight on L foot
Restart on wall 3 after a 2 counts step change

Sec 1 R&L Dorothy steps, v-step, (out, out, back back)
1,2&Step R into the R diagonal (1), lock L behind R (2), step R a small step fwd (&) 1:30
3,4&Step L into the L diagonal (3), lock L behind R (4), step R a small step fwd (&) 10:30
5,6,7,8Step R diag fwd (5) Step L diag fwd (6) Step R back (7), step L back next to R (8) 12:00

Sec 2 R&L syncopated rocks, R rock, shuffle ½-turn R
1,2&Rock R fwd (1) recover on L (2) step R next to L (&)12:00
3,4&Rock L fwd (3) recover on R (4) step L next to R (&)12:00
5,6,Rock R fwd (5) recover on L (6) 12:00
7&8Turn ½ R stepping R fwd (7) step L behind R (&) step R fwd (8) 6.00
[NB! Step change on wall 3, followed by a restart. see below]
On wall 3 replace steps 7&8 with step R back (7), step L back (8) and restart.

Sec 3 L&R VauDeVille-steps, rock, coaster ¼ turn L
1&2&Cross L in front of R (1) step R to R (&) dig L heel diag.L fwd (2) step L next to R (&) 6:00
3&4&Cross R in front of L (3) step L to L (&) dig R heel diag.R fwd (4) step R next to L (&) 6:00
5,6Rock L fwd (5) recover on R turning ¼ L (6) 3:00
7&8Step L back (7) step R next to L (&) step L fwd 3:00

Sec 4 Walk RL fwd, R mambo fwd, walk LR back, L coaster step
1,2,3&4walk R fwd, (1) walk L fwd (2) rock R fwd (3) recover on L (&) step R next to L (4) 3:00
5,6,7&8walk L back (5) walk R back (6) step L back (7) step R next to R (&) step L fwd (8) 3:00

NOTA BENE On 3rd wall , section 2, there is a StepChange followed by a restart facing 6:00;
Do section 1, in section 2 Replace the shuffle 1/2turn R (steps 7&8) with: step R back (7) step L back (8). Restart from beginning.

Contact: pernillaeklund Email:

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