CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dust Off That Dirt

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Lucas Mahnke (DE) - September 2023
Dust Off That Dirt - Mark Taylor
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The Dance starts after 16 counts

S1: Walk (r+l), mambo-step, Walk back (l+r), coaster-cross
1-2Step forward right - step forward left
3&4Step right forward - recover weight to left foot - step right foot slightly back
5-6Step back left - step back right
7&8Step left back - step right to left - cross left over right

S2: Side rock, behind-side-cross, side rock, behind, ¼ turn and step forward
1-2Step right with right - recover weight back to left foot
3&4Cross right foot behind left - side step with left foot - cross right foot over left
5-6Step left with left - recover weight back to right foot
7&8Cross left foot behind right - ¼ turn r and step forward right - step forward left (3:00)

S3: Lockstep (r+l), ½ step turn (l), step, full turn (r)
1&2Step right forward - lock left behind right - step right forward
3&4Step left forward - lock right behind left - step left forward
5&6Step right forward - ½ turn left around on both balls, weight at the end left (9:00) - step right forward
7-8Step left forward - full turn (r), weight at the end right

S4: Lockstep (l+r), rock forward (l), coasterstep
1&2Step left forward - lock right behind left - step left forward
3&4Step right forward - lock left behind right - step right forward
5-6Step left forward - recover weight to right foot
7&8Step left back - step right to left - step left forward

Wall 3 after 8 Counts (6:00)
Wall 4 after 20 Counts (9:00)
Wall 7 after 16 Counts (6:00)

Ending: Dance till count 14 of wall 9 (3:00) and add an sailor-step with ¼ turn left on count “15&16” to face 12:00
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