CopperKnob Stepsheets

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The Fire Inside

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EWS Winson (MY), Jennifer Choo Sue Chin (MY), Adeline Cheng (MY) & Aprillia Munarwati (INA) - August 2023
Intro: 16 counts

Set1 Cross Point, Carioca Kick, Cross Side, Cross Shuffle End Fcg
1-2(1) Cross LF over RF, (2) Point RF to R 12:00
3-a4(3) Cross RF over LF, (a) Step LF to L angling to 1:30, (4) Kick RF fwd 1:30
5-6(a) Close RF next to LF, (5) Cross LF over RF, (6) Step RF to R squaring back to 12:00 12:00
7-a8(7) Cross LF over RF, (a) Step RF to R, (8) Cross LF over RF 12:00

Set 2 Side Together Forward, Fwd Lock Steps, Paddle Turn with Hip Roll
1-2(a) Step RF to R, (1) Close LF next to RF angling body to 10:30, (2) Step RF fwd 10:30
3-a4(3) Step LF fwd, (a) Lock RF behind LF, (4) Step LF fwd 10:30
5-6(5) Step RF fwd, (6) ¼L rolling hip counter clockwise and weight ends on LF 7:30
7-8(7) Step RF fwd, (8) ¼L rolling hip counter clockwise and weight ends on LF 4:30

Set 3 Hip Roll, Bumps, Ball Cross, ¼R back, Back Shuffle
1-2(1) Execute another 1/8L Stepping RF to R and roll hip count clockwise, (2) Raise L hip 3:00
3-a4(a) Drop L hip, (3) Raise L hip, (a) drop L hip, (4) Raise L hip 3:00
5-6(a) Step ball of LF next to RF, (5) Cross RF over LF, (6) ¼R Stepping back on LF 6:00
7-a8(7) Step RF back, (a) Step ball of LF next to RF, (8) Step RF back 6:00

Set 4 ¼L Point, ¼R Flick, Fwd Mambo, ¼R Bota Fogo, Point Switches
1-2(a) ¼L Stepping LF to L, (1) Point RF to R, (2) ¼R Stepping fwd on RF and flick LF backwards 6:00
3-a4(3) Rock LF fwd, (a) Recover on RF, (4) Close LF next to RF and push butt backwards 6:00
5-a6(5) Step RF fwd, (a) ¼R Rock LF to L, (6) Recover on RF 9:00
7-a8(a) Step LF next to RF, (7) Point RF to R, (a) Step RF next to LF, (8) Point LF to L 9:00
*RESTART here on Wall 5 (9:00)

Set 5 L Samba Box to the Right, Samba Walk, Cumbia Walk
1-a2(a) Hitch L knee, (1) Cross LF over R, (a) Step RF to R, (2) Step LF behind RF 9:00
3-a4(a) Hitch R knee, (3) Step RF behind LF, (a) Step LF to L, (4) Step RF fwd 9:00
5(5) Step LF fwd with L knee slightly bent and hip open to L (R knee straight) 9:00
6(6) Step RF fwd with R knee slightly bent and hip open to R (L knee straight 9:00
7-a8(7) Step LF fwd, (a) Step RF fwd, (8) Step LF fwd 9:00

Set 6 R Samba Box to the Left, ½L Pivot, ½L Sweep, Sailor Point
1-a2(a) Hitch R knee, (1) Cross RF over LF, (a) Step LF to L, (2) Step RF behind LF 9:00
3-a4(a) Hitch L knee, (3) Step LF behind RF, (a) Step RF to R, (4) Step LF fwd 9:00
5-a6(5) Step RF fwd, (a) ½L pivot shifting weight on LF, (6) ½L stepping back on RF & sweep LF back 9:00
7-a8(7) Step LF behind RF, (a) Step RF to R, (8) Point LF to L 9:00

Start Again and have FUN!

*RESTART dance after 32 counts of Wall 5. Wall 5 will start facing 12:00. Restart of Wall 6 will start facing 9:00.

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