Phrased Intermediate
(start on vocals)
(Note: Memories of Avon, Beaver Creek & Vail where this was choreographed)
Phrasing: AA (12:00) BB Tag1 (6:00) AA (6:00) BBA (6:00) Tag2 A (steps 1-8&) hold 2ct
¼ turn left restarting A with a stomp R + both arms out (12:00) B (steps 1-12)
Part A: 16c
Step, coaster, forward, ¼ turn, cross rock, recover, together, cross rock, recover, together
1-2&3-4&Step R-coaster shuffle L-R-L, forward R- ¼ turn L (9:00)
5-6&7-8&Cross R-recover L-together R-cross L-recover R-together L
Forward, recover, side, recover, behind, side, cross, ¼ sailor turn, syncopated rocking chair
1&2&3&4Forward R- recover L-side R-recover L-behind R-side L-cross R
5&6-7&8&¼ turning sailor shuffle L-R-L (6:00)-rock forward R-recover L-back R-recover L
Repeat A
Part B: 16c
Prissy walk, walk, anchor shuffle, ¼ turning mambo, syncopated jazz box
1-2-3&4Forward R-forward L-shuffle in place R-L-R
5&6-7&8&¼ turning mambo L-R-L (3:00)-cross R-side L-together R-cross L
Hip sways right-left-right-left, behind, side, cross, scissor cross
1-2-3-4Hip sway R-recover L-sway R -recover L
5&6-7&8Behind R-side L-cross R, side L-behind R-cross L
Repeat B
TAG 1Basic NC2S, weave, together
1-2&3-4&Side R-behind L-recover R-side L-behind R-recover L
5-6&7-&8Side R-behind L-side R-cross L-side R-together L
TAG 2 Basic NC2S, weave, together, cross, recover, together, cross, recover, together
1-2&3-4&Side R-behind L-recover R-side L-behind R-recover L
5-6&7-8&Side R-behind L-side R-cross L-side R-together L
1-2&3-4&Cross R-recover L-side R-cross L-recover R-together L
Note: End the dance after AAB (steps 1-12) with an unwind or simple quarter turn to 12:00
P.O. Box 566, San Bruno CA 94066 *
(Note: Memories of Avon, Beaver Creek & Vail where this was choreographed)
Phrasing: AA (12:00) BB Tag1 (6:00) AA (6:00) BBA (6:00) Tag2 A (steps 1-8&) hold 2ct
¼ turn left restarting A with a stomp R + both arms out (12:00) B (steps 1-12)
Part A: 16c
Step, coaster, forward, ¼ turn, cross rock, recover, together, cross rock, recover, together
1-2&3-4&Step R-coaster shuffle L-R-L, forward R- ¼ turn L (9:00)
5-6&7-8&Cross R-recover L-together R-cross L-recover R-together L
Forward, recover, side, recover, behind, side, cross, ¼ sailor turn, syncopated rocking chair
1&2&3&4Forward R- recover L-side R-recover L-behind R-side L-cross R
5&6-7&8&¼ turning sailor shuffle L-R-L (6:00)-rock forward R-recover L-back R-recover L
Repeat A
Part B: 16c
Prissy walk, walk, anchor shuffle, ¼ turning mambo, syncopated jazz box
1-2-3&4Forward R-forward L-shuffle in place R-L-R
5&6-7&8&¼ turning mambo L-R-L (3:00)-cross R-side L-together R-cross L
Hip sways right-left-right-left, behind, side, cross, scissor cross
1-2-3-4Hip sway R-recover L-sway R -recover L
5&6-7&8Behind R-side L-cross R, side L-behind R-cross L
Repeat B
TAG 1Basic NC2S, weave, together
1-2&3-4&Side R-behind L-recover R-side L-behind R-recover L
5-6&7-&8Side R-behind L-side R-cross L-side R-together L
TAG 2 Basic NC2S, weave, together, cross, recover, together, cross, recover, together
1-2&3-4&Side R-behind L-recover R-side L-behind R-recover L
5-6&7-8&Side R-behind L-side R-cross L-side R-together L
1-2&3-4&Cross R-recover L-side R-cross L-recover R-together L
Note: End the dance after AAB (steps 1-12) with an unwind or simple quarter turn to 12:00
P.O. Box 566, San Bruno CA 94066 *