Absolute Beginner
Intro: 24 Counts
Cross Point Fwd. R/L, Back R/L
1-4Step R fwd. Point L to L side, Step L fwd. Point R to R side
5-8Step Back R, Point L to L side, Step L Back, Point R to R side
Jazz Box ¼ R, Pivot ½ L
1-4Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R, Step on R, Step on L
5-8Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L, Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L
Vine R/ L
1-4Step R to R side, L behind R, Step to R, Touch L
5-8Step L to L side, R behind L, Step to L, Touch R
Walk Back, Lock R Fwd.
1-8Walk Back, R/L/R/L, Step R fwd. Step L to R, Step R fwd. Step L to R
That’s it! A real easy beginner’s routine for all. If you like it, please vote, or click like for me.
Do not alter routine without my permission.
Thank you, Georgie. or
Cross Point Fwd. R/L, Back R/L
1-4Step R fwd. Point L to L side, Step L fwd. Point R to R side
5-8Step Back R, Point L to L side, Step L Back, Point R to R side
Jazz Box ¼ R, Pivot ½ L
1-4Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R, Step on R, Step on L
5-8Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L, Step R fwd. turning ¼ L on L
Vine R/ L
1-4Step R to R side, L behind R, Step to R, Touch L
5-8Step L to L side, R behind L, Step to L, Touch R
Walk Back, Lock R Fwd.
1-8Walk Back, R/L/R/L, Step R fwd. Step L to R, Step R fwd. Step L to R
That’s it! A real easy beginner’s routine for all. If you like it, please vote, or click like for me.
Do not alter routine without my permission.
Thank you, Georgie. or