CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Grab Yo' Partner

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Phrased Improver - Contra
Dustin Valcalda (USA) - June 2023
Do Si Do - Flo Rida
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Sequence: A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A
Intro: 8 Counts – Weight starts left foot, stand slightly right of your partner facing each other with about 4 feet of distance between you.
This dance also works 100% as a non-contra line dance.

PHRASE A (36 Counts)
[1 -8] Step, Kick, Back, Touch, Triple Step x2
1-2Step RF forward, Kick LF
3-4Step LF back, Touch RF back (Note: Incorporate Charleston styling if able!)
5-6Step RF forward, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward
7-8Step LF forward, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward
Note: Begin prepping to link left arm with your partner at the end of this section.

[9-16] ‘Do-Si-Do’, Grapevine R
1-4Lock left arms with partner while walking/skipping around them 360° counter-clockwise R L R L (Note: If no partner, 2 half pivots work in place)
5-6(release arms) Step RF to R w/ ¼ turn L, Cross LF behind RF
7-8Step RF to R, Touch LF next to RF

[17-24] Step, Touch, Step, Touch, Step Hip Bumps, Ball, Step Hip Bumps
1-2Step LF to L, Touch RF next to LF
3-4Step RF to R, Touch LF next to RF
5-6Step LF to L while bumping hips L x2
&7-8Ball RF next to LF, Step LF to L while bumping hips L x2

[25-32] Weave, Cross Shuffle, L Side ¼ Twist
1-2Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L
3-4Cross RF behind LF, Step LF to L
5&6Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L, Cross RF over LF
7-8Step LF to L, Take weight onto RF while turning ¼ L

[33-36] Coaster Step, Pivot Turn
1&2Step LF back, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward
3-4Step RF forward, Pivot ½ over L shoulder

Note: Section A will always end on same side as it started. Section B is where wall switches will happen.

PHRASE B (48 Counts)
[1-8] Kick Ball Point x2, Cross, Back, Triple Step
1&2Kick RF, Ball RF, Point LF to L
3&4Kick LF, Ball LF, Point RF to R
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step LF Back
7&8Step RF to R w/ ¼ turn R, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward

[9-16] Pivot Turn, Triple Step, Pivot Turns w/ Hip Rolls x2
1-2Step LF forward, Pivot ½ over R shoulder
3&4Step LF forward, Step RF next to LF, Step LF forward
5-6Step RF forward, Pivot 3⁄8 while rolling hips around
7-8Step RF forward, Pivot 3⁄8 while rolling hips around

[17-24] Step Hitch x3, ½ Turn Jazz Box
1-2Step RF forward, Hitch R knee while scooting LF forward
&3Step RF down, Hitch R knee while scooting LF forward
&4Step RF down, Hitch R knee while scooting LF forward
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step LF to side with ¼ turn R
7-8Step RF to R w/ ¼ turn R, Step LF forward (Note: Jazz Box should move you to your left, keeping you on the right side of your partner)
Styling Note: During Step Hitches (1-4), put right arm up and motion like you have a lasso.

[25-32] Pivot Turns x2, V-Step
1-2Step RF forward, Pivot ½ over L shoulder
3-4Step RF forward, Pivot ½ over L shoulder
5-6Step RF diagonal R, Step LF to L
7-8Step RF home, Step LF together

[33-40] Hip Bumps R, Hip Bumps L, Behind, Side, Cross Shuffle
1-2Step RF to R while Bumping Hips to R x2
3-4Bump Hips to L x2
5-6Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L
7&8Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L, Cross RF over LF

[41-48] Side Rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Point & Point & Heel & Heel
1-2Rock LF to L, Recover RF
3&4Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Cross LF over RF
5&6Point RF to R, Ball RF next to LF, Point LF to L
&7Ball LF next to RF, Touch R Heel forward,
&8&Ball RF next to LF, Touch L heel forward, Ball LF next to RF
Note: Section B will always lead into the beginning of section A

Last Update: 26 Jun 2023

Patsey June 27, 2023

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