CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Country Dance

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Helga Schwienbacher & Kurti Mair (IT) - June 2023
Country dance - Davide de Marinis, JOHNNY PONTA, Enzo Salvi & Paolo Agosta
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Intro (1 wall)

I1: Cross, unwind full l, stomp, hold
1-4Cross right foot in front of left, full turn left on both balls, weight stays on right [2-4].
5-8Perform a stomp with left foot next to right - hold [6-8].

I2: Stomp, hold r + l
1-4Perform right foot stomp next to left foot - hold [2-4]
5-8Stomp left foot next to right foot - hold [6-8]

Part A (1 wall)
A1: Scuff, side, behind, side, scuff, side, behind, close
1-2Turn right foot forward, let heel rest on floor, step right to right side, close, hold
3-4Cross left behind right, step right to side, step right to side
5-6Turn left foot forward, drag heel on floor, step left to side
7-8Cross the right behind the left, step to the left together with the right

A2: Kick, kick, toe strut back turning ½ r, flick, kick, close
1-2Kick right foot forward - Kick right foot forward (slightly higher)
3-4Step right foot backward, touch toe only - ½ turn right and lower right heel (6 o'clock)
5-6Step backward of left foot, kick left foot forward
7-8Kick left foot forward (slightly higher) - Bring left foot closer to right foot

A3: Point-¼ Monterey turn r-point & heel, hook, heel & heel, lift behind/slap, close
1&Touch the toe of the right foot to the right side, ¼ turn to the right and touch the right to the left (9 o'clock)
2&Tap the toe of the left foot on the left side and approach the toe of the left foot on the right side
3-4Tap the right heel in front, lift the right foot and cross it in front of the left shin
5&6Tap the right heel in front, bring the right foot to the left and tap the left heel in front
7-8Lift left foot behind right leg/ tap right hand on left boot [tap left hand on hat] - Bring left foot toward right foot

A4: Point-¼ Monterey turn r-point & heel, hook, heel & heel, lift behind/slap, close
1-8As step sequence A3 (12 o'clock)

A5: Toe strut back turning ½ r, toe strut forward turning ½ r, rock back, toe strut forward turning ½ l
1-2Step back of right toe strut, touching only toe strut - ½ turn to the right and lower right heel (6 o'clock)
3-4Step left toe strut forward, touch toe strut only, ½ turn right and lower left heel (12 o'clock)
5-6Step back with right foot, weight back on left foot
7-8Step right foot forward, touch toe only, ½ turn left and lower right heel (6 o'clock).

A6: Rock back, toe strut forward turning ½ r, rock back, stomp, stomp
1-2Step back with left foot - weight back on right foot
3-4Step forward with left foot toe, toe only - ½ turn right and lower left heel (12 o'clock)
5-6Step backward with right/left foot slightly lifted - weight back on left foot
7-8Tap right foot next to left foot - Tap left foot next to right foot

A7+A8: Repeat A5 + A6
1-16Repeat A5 and A6 (12 o'clock)

A9: Step, touch/clap r + l, back, touch/clap r + l
1-2Step diagonally right with right foot, touch/clap left next to right
3-4Step diagonally to left front, touch/clap right next to left
5-6Step back to right diagonally in front, touch left next to right, tap right next to left
7-8Step backward left diagonally, tap right next to left, tap right next to left

A10: Vine r + l (with lift behind/slap)
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3-4Step right to right side, lift left foot behind right leg, slap left boot with right hand
5-6Step left to left side, cross right behind left
7-8Step left to left side, lift right foot behind left leg, slap left hand on right boot

A11: Step, touch/clap r + l, back, touch/clap r + l
1-8Same as step sequence A9

A12: Vine r with lift behind/slap, vine l
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right side
3-4Step right to right side, lift left foot behind right leg, tap right hand on left boot
5-6Step left to left side, cross right behind left
7-8Step left to the left side, tap the right with the right (without changing weight)

Part B (1 wall)
B1: Step, touch, side, touch, back, close, touch behind, unwind ½ r
1-2Step diagonally to right front with right foot tapping left next to right foot
3-4Step left to left side, touch right next to left side
5-6Step back to right diagonally, touch left next to right
7-8Cross the toe of the right foot behind the right foot, ½ turn to the right on both balls, weight remains on the left (6 o'clock)

B2: Step, touch, side, touch, back, close, touch behind, unwind ½ r
1-8As B1 step sequence (12 o'clock)

Part C (1 wall)
C1: Touch-heel-close/clap r + l 2x
1&2Touch the toe of the right foot next to the left foot (knee in), touch the right heel next to the left foot (toe out), and tap the toe of the right foot on the left foot
3&4Touch the toe of the left foot next to the right foot (knee in), touch the left heel next to the right foot (toe out) and tap the left foot to the right foot.
5-8Same as 1-4

C2: Heel-heel-close/clap r + l 2x
1&2Tap right heel in front, tap right heel in front [tap right hand on hat] and tap right foot to left
3&4Beat left heel in front - beat left heel in front [beat left hand on hat] and bring left foot up to beat right foot
5-8Same as 1-4

Part D (1 wall)
D1: Step, touch/clap r + l, back, touch/clap r + l
1-2Step right diagonally forward with right foot, touch/clap left next to right
3-4Step diagonally left forward, touch/clap right next to left
5-6Step diagonally back to right, touch left next to right, tap right next to left
7-8Left diagonal step backward, tap right next to left, tap left next to right

D2: Vine r + l (with lift behind/slap)
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3-4Step right to right side, lift left foot behind right leg, slap left boot with right hand
5-6Step left to left side, cross right behind left
7-8Step left to left side, lift right foot behind left leg, slap left hand on right boot

D3: Step, touch/clap r + l, back, touch/clap r + l
1-8As step sequence D1

D4: ½ turn r, touch/clap r + l, back, touch/clap r + l
1-2½ turn right and step diagonally right in front with right - tap/clap left foot next to right foot (6 o'clock)
3-4Step diagonally left in front, tap/clap right foot next to left foot
5-6Step diagonal right back with right foot, tap left foot next to right foot (6 o'clock).
7-8Left diagonal step backward, tap right foot next to left, tap left foot next to right.

D5: Vine r + l (with lift behind/slap)
1-8Same as step sequence D2

D6: Step, touch/clap r + l, back, touch/clap r + l
1-8Same as step sequence D1

D7: ½ turn r, touch/clap r + l, back, touch/clap r + l
1-8Same as step sequence D4 (12 o'clock)

D8: Vine r + l (with lift behind/slap)
1-8Same as step sequence D2

D9: Step, touch/clap r + l, back, touch/clap r + l
1-8Same as step sequence D1

D10: Vine r with lift behind/slap, vine l
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right side
3-4Step right to right side, lift left foot behind right leg, tap right hand on left boot
5-6Step left to left side, cross right behind left
7-8Step left to left side, step right to right (without changing weight)

Tag/Bridge 1 (1 wall; starts around 12 o'clock)
T1-1: Touch forward, close r + l 2x
1-2Touch the toe of the right foot forward, close the toe of the right foot to the left
3-4Touch the toe of the left foot forward-touch the toe of the left foot to the right
5-8Same as 1-4

Tag/Bridge 2 (1 wall; starts at 12 o'clock)
T2-1: Touch forward, close r + l 2x
1-8Same as T1-1

T2-2: Heel, hook, heel, close r + l
1-2Touch right heel forward, lift right foot and cross in front of left shin
3-4Touch right heel forward, bring right foot closer to left foot
5-6Tap the left heel forward, lift the left foot and cross in front of the right shin
7-8Tap left heel forward and bring left foot closer to right foot

Conclusion (1 wall)
E1: Rocking chair, toe strut forward turning ½ l, rock back
1-2Step forward with right foot, weight back on left foot
3-4Step backward with right foot, weight back on left foot
5-6Step forward with right foot, touch toe only - ½ turn left and lower right heel (6 o'clock)
7-8Step backward with left foot, weight back on right foot

E2: Toe strut forward turning ½ r, rock back, stomp up, stomp up, stomp forward
1-2Step forward with left foot, touch only toe - ½ turn to right and lower left heel (12 o'clock)
3-4Step backward with right foot, weight back on left foot
5-6Tap right foot next to left foot (without changing weight) - Tap right foot next to left foot
7-8Tap left foot next to right foot (without changing weight) - Tap left foot slightly forward

(Note: there is a short pause between '5-6' and '7-8'; follow the music)

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