1&2&Right Heel forward, Right Step in place (Repeat with Left)
3&4Right Heel forward, Hook Right across Left, Step Right forward
5-6Left forward, Recover Right
7&8Left shuffle (1/2 Left)
1-2Right Side, Recover Left
3&4Right Cross shuffle
5-6Left Side, Recover Right
7&8Left Behind, Side, Cross
* RESTART here on Fourth Wall
1-2Long diagonal step Right forward, Drag Left in place (Touch)
3-4Skate steps diagonally forward (Left and Right)
5-6Long diagonal step Left forward, Drag Right in place (Touch)
7-8Skate steps diagonally forward (Right and Left)
** RESTART here on Second Wall
1-2Right Forward, Recover Left
3&4Right shuffle (1/2 Right)
5-6Left Forward, Recover Right
7&8Left shuffle (1/2 Left)
TAG * 4 count TAG here following 6th sequence
1-4Stomp RIGHT next to Left FOUR times
3&4Right Heel forward, Hook Right across Left, Step Right forward
5-6Left forward, Recover Right
7&8Left shuffle (1/2 Left)
1-2Right Side, Recover Left
3&4Right Cross shuffle
5-6Left Side, Recover Right
7&8Left Behind, Side, Cross
* RESTART here on Fourth Wall
1-2Long diagonal step Right forward, Drag Left in place (Touch)
3-4Skate steps diagonally forward (Left and Right)
5-6Long diagonal step Left forward, Drag Right in place (Touch)
7-8Skate steps diagonally forward (Right and Left)
** RESTART here on Second Wall
1-2Right Forward, Recover Left
3&4Right shuffle (1/2 Right)
5-6Left Forward, Recover Right
7&8Left shuffle (1/2 Left)
TAG * 4 count TAG here following 6th sequence
1-4Stomp RIGHT next to Left FOUR times