Start: 16 counts in (about 10 to 11 seconds in)
1 16-Count Tag (repeat last 16 counts of dance) at end of wall 2
1 Restart after 32 counts of wall 4
[1-8] Dorothy, Step, Hitch, Cross, Back Step, Touch, ¼ Step, Touch, ¼ Step, ¼ Scuff, Step
1-2&Step diagonally fw right on RF (1), lock LF behind RF (2), step RF next to LF (&) 12:00
3&4Step LF diagonally fw left (3), hitch RF across LF(&), step RF across LF (4) 12:00
5&6&Step LF bw (5), touch RF next to LF (&), ¼ turn left stepping RF right (6), touch LF next to RF (&) 9:00
7&8¼ turn left stepping LF fw (7), scuff RF next to LF (&), ¼ turn left stepping RF right (8) 3:00
[9-16] Cross Rock, Knee Pop, Scissor Step, ¼ Monterrey Turn, 2x Side Touch, Flick, Step
1-2Cross-rock LF behind RF (1), slide RF to LF and pop left knee (2) 3:00
3&4Step LF left (3), step RF next to LF (&), cross LF over RF (4) 3:00
5&6&Point RF right (5), ¼ turn right dragging RF to LF (&), point LF left (6), step LF next to RF (&) 6:00
7&8Point RF right (7), cross-flick RF behind LF (&), step RF right (8) 6:00
[17-24] Ball Step to Hip Rolls, ¼ Knee Pop, 2x Fw Touch, ½ Tic Toc
&1-2Step LF next to RF (&), step RF right rolling hips CCW (1), hold while rolling hips CCW (2) 6:00
&3-4Step LF next to RF (&), step RF next to LF popping left knee (3), shift weight onto LF while popping right knee with ¼ turn left (4) 3:00
5&6&Touch RF fw (5), step RF next to LF (&), touch LF fw (6), step LF next to RF (&) 3:00
7&8Step RF fwd (7), swivel L heel a ½ turn R (&), swivel R heel a ½ R (8) 9:00
[25-32] 2x Step Back with Touch, Rock Back-Recover, Rock Side-Recover, Step, Heel Swivel
1-2Step LF bw (1), touch RF slightly in front of LF (2) 9:00
Note: Add body roll for styling
3-4Step RF bw (3), touch LF slightly in front of RF (4) 9:00
Note: Add body roll for styling
5&6&Rock bw on LF (5), recover weight on RF (&), rock left on LF (6), recover weight on RF (&) 9:00
7&8Step LF fw (7), swivel both heels out left (&), swivel both heels back to center putting weight on LF (8) 9:00
[33-41] 2x Step-Cross Step, ¼ Step Forward, ½ Chase Turn, Cross Samba
1-2Step RF right (1), cross LF over RF slightly bending knees (2) 9:00
3-4Step RF right (3), cross LF over RF slightly bending knees (4) 9:00
5-6&7¼ turn right stepping RF fw (5), step LF fw (6), ½ turn right putting weight on RF (&), step LF fw (7) 6:00
8&1Cross RF over LF (8), Rock LF to left (&), Recover onto RF (1) 6:00
[42-48] Cross Samba, Step, ¾ Volta Turn, Hitch-Step
2&3-4Cross LF over RF (2), Rock RF to right (&), Recover onto LF (3), step RF fw (4) 6:00
5&6&¼ turn left stepping LF fw (5), lock RF behind LF (&), ¼ turn left stepping LF fw (6), lock RF behind LF (&) 12:00
7&8¼ turn left stepping LF fw (7), lock RF behind LF while hitching LF (&), step LF fw (8) 9:00
TAG Starting facing 6:00, Repeat last 16 counts of dance
[1-9] 2x Step-Cross Step, ¼ Step Forward, ½ Chase Turn, Cross Samba
1-2Step RF right (1), cross LF over RF slightly bending knees (2) 6:00
3-4Step RF right (3), cross LF over RF slightly bending knees (4) 6:00
5-6&7¼ turn right stepping RF fw (5), step LF fw (6), ½ turn right putting weight on RF (&), step LF fw (7) 3:00
8&1Cross RF over LF (8), Rock LF to left (&), Recover onto RF (1) 3:00
[10-16] Cross Samba, Step, ¾ Volta Turn, Hitch-Step
2&3-4Cross LF over RF (2), Rock RF to right (&), Recover onto LF (3), step RF fw (4) 3:00
5&6&¼ turn left stepping LF fw (5), lock RF behind LF (&), ¼ turn left stepping LF fw (6), lock RF behind LF (&) 9:00
7&8¼ turn left stepping LF fw (7), lock RF behind LF while hitching LF (&), step LF fw (8) 6:00
Last Update: 9 Jun 2023
1 16-Count Tag (repeat last 16 counts of dance) at end of wall 2
1 Restart after 32 counts of wall 4
[1-8] Dorothy, Step, Hitch, Cross, Back Step, Touch, ¼ Step, Touch, ¼ Step, ¼ Scuff, Step
1-2&Step diagonally fw right on RF (1), lock LF behind RF (2), step RF next to LF (&) 12:00
3&4Step LF diagonally fw left (3), hitch RF across LF(&), step RF across LF (4) 12:00
5&6&Step LF bw (5), touch RF next to LF (&), ¼ turn left stepping RF right (6), touch LF next to RF (&) 9:00
7&8¼ turn left stepping LF fw (7), scuff RF next to LF (&), ¼ turn left stepping RF right (8) 3:00
[9-16] Cross Rock, Knee Pop, Scissor Step, ¼ Monterrey Turn, 2x Side Touch, Flick, Step
1-2Cross-rock LF behind RF (1), slide RF to LF and pop left knee (2) 3:00
3&4Step LF left (3), step RF next to LF (&), cross LF over RF (4) 3:00
5&6&Point RF right (5), ¼ turn right dragging RF to LF (&), point LF left (6), step LF next to RF (&) 6:00
7&8Point RF right (7), cross-flick RF behind LF (&), step RF right (8) 6:00
[17-24] Ball Step to Hip Rolls, ¼ Knee Pop, 2x Fw Touch, ½ Tic Toc
&1-2Step LF next to RF (&), step RF right rolling hips CCW (1), hold while rolling hips CCW (2) 6:00
&3-4Step LF next to RF (&), step RF next to LF popping left knee (3), shift weight onto LF while popping right knee with ¼ turn left (4) 3:00
5&6&Touch RF fw (5), step RF next to LF (&), touch LF fw (6), step LF next to RF (&) 3:00
7&8Step RF fwd (7), swivel L heel a ½ turn R (&), swivel R heel a ½ R (8) 9:00
[25-32] 2x Step Back with Touch, Rock Back-Recover, Rock Side-Recover, Step, Heel Swivel
1-2Step LF bw (1), touch RF slightly in front of LF (2) 9:00
Note: Add body roll for styling
3-4Step RF bw (3), touch LF slightly in front of RF (4) 9:00
Note: Add body roll for styling
5&6&Rock bw on LF (5), recover weight on RF (&), rock left on LF (6), recover weight on RF (&) 9:00
7&8Step LF fw (7), swivel both heels out left (&), swivel both heels back to center putting weight on LF (8) 9:00
[33-41] 2x Step-Cross Step, ¼ Step Forward, ½ Chase Turn, Cross Samba
1-2Step RF right (1), cross LF over RF slightly bending knees (2) 9:00
3-4Step RF right (3), cross LF over RF slightly bending knees (4) 9:00
5-6&7¼ turn right stepping RF fw (5), step LF fw (6), ½ turn right putting weight on RF (&), step LF fw (7) 6:00
8&1Cross RF over LF (8), Rock LF to left (&), Recover onto RF (1) 6:00
[42-48] Cross Samba, Step, ¾ Volta Turn, Hitch-Step
2&3-4Cross LF over RF (2), Rock RF to right (&), Recover onto LF (3), step RF fw (4) 6:00
5&6&¼ turn left stepping LF fw (5), lock RF behind LF (&), ¼ turn left stepping LF fw (6), lock RF behind LF (&) 12:00
7&8¼ turn left stepping LF fw (7), lock RF behind LF while hitching LF (&), step LF fw (8) 9:00
TAG Starting facing 6:00, Repeat last 16 counts of dance
[1-9] 2x Step-Cross Step, ¼ Step Forward, ½ Chase Turn, Cross Samba
1-2Step RF right (1), cross LF over RF slightly bending knees (2) 6:00
3-4Step RF right (3), cross LF over RF slightly bending knees (4) 6:00
5-6&7¼ turn right stepping RF fw (5), step LF fw (6), ½ turn right putting weight on RF (&), step LF fw (7) 3:00
8&1Cross RF over LF (8), Rock LF to left (&), Recover onto RF (1) 3:00
[10-16] Cross Samba, Step, ¾ Volta Turn, Hitch-Step
2&3-4Cross LF over RF (2), Rock RF to right (&), Recover onto LF (3), step RF fw (4) 3:00
5&6&¼ turn left stepping LF fw (5), lock RF behind LF (&), ¼ turn left stepping LF fw (6), lock RF behind LF (&) 9:00
7&8¼ turn left stepping LF fw (7), lock RF behind LF while hitching LF (&), step LF fw (8) 6:00
Last Update: 9 Jun 2023