Count In: 16 counts
Notes: One Tag, no restarts.
Special Note: This dance is the 1st place OVERALL Winning Dance of USLDCC 2023
[1 - 8] R NC Basic, ¼ L, Run Around 1/2, Sweep ¼ Turn L, Behind, Side, Fwd ⅛ R, Cross, ⅛ Side,
1 2 &Step R to R side (1), Rock back L (2), Recover weight R crossing slightly over L (&) 12:00
3 4 & 5¼ turn left stepping fwd on L (3) ¼ Turn L Stepping fwd on R (4) ¼ turn left stepping fwd on L (&) ¼ turn left stepping out R sweeping L from front to back (5) 12:00
6 & 7Step L behind R (6) Step R to R side (&) Step fwd on L making a ⅛ turn R (7) 1:30
8 &Cross R over L with ⅛ turn right (8), Step L back with ⅛ turn right (&) 4:30
[9 - 17] L Hitch, Run Back, ½ Turn Rock Recover, ½ Turn, Ball Step, ¼ Turn Triple
1 2 & 3Step back on R Hitching L (1) Step back on L (2) step together on R (&) rock back on L (3) 4:30
4 5Make a ½ turn left recovering weight on R (4) make a ½ turn left stepping fwd on L (5) 4:30
6 & 7Making 1/8 turn right take weight on R (6) Step on ball of L (&) Making a ¼ turn R step on R (7) 9:00
8 & 1Fwd on L with a 1/4 turn R (8) Fwd on R with an ⅛ right (&) Rock fwd on L making a final ⅛ turn right(1) 3:00
Styling For count 3, raise your L hand up to the sky and bring down on 4 and for count 5 raise the R hand to the sky..
Note that when you finish the dance you will end on this count (5) facing the front, make sure to make the “Rock on” sign with your pointer finger and pinky up as you “raise your horns” to the audience as a final pose,
[18 - 24] Rock Recover, 1/2 Turn, Prep, Full Turn, Walk x 2, Rock-Recover, Side Rock-Recover
2 &Recover back on R (2) ¼ turn L stepping out on L (&) 12:00
3 4&Making ¼ turn step fwd on R (3) Step back on L making ½ turn right (4) Step fwd on R making ½ turn R (&) 9:00
5 6Walk fwd on L (5) Walk fwd on R (6) 9:00
7 & 8 &Rock weight fwd on L (7) Recover Weight back on R (&) making a ¼ turn left rock to left on L (8) Recover weight on R (&) 6:00
[25 - 32] L Back Rock, L Side, R Back Rock, ½ Turn L (R Back), Full Turn W/ Sweep, Cross, Syncopated Scissor
1 2 &Rock back L behind R (1), Recover weight R (2), Step L to L side (&) 6:00
3 4 &Rock back R behind L (3), Recover weight L (4) make a ½ turn left stepping back on R (&) * 12:00
5 6Making a ½ turn left, step fwd on L sweeping R from back to front (5) Cross R over L (6) 6:00
7 8 &Step L out to L (7) Recover Weight on R (8) Cross L over R (&) 6:00
Tag * On wall 5, you’ll start the wall facing 12:00, on section 4 counts 4&, Make a ½ turn to face the front instead of the back wall, and do a L basic night club for 5 6 & and begin the dance again.
Last Update: 19 Jul 2023
Notes: One Tag, no restarts.
Special Note: This dance is the 1st place OVERALL Winning Dance of USLDCC 2023
[1 - 8] R NC Basic, ¼ L, Run Around 1/2, Sweep ¼ Turn L, Behind, Side, Fwd ⅛ R, Cross, ⅛ Side,
1 2 &Step R to R side (1), Rock back L (2), Recover weight R crossing slightly over L (&) 12:00
3 4 & 5¼ turn left stepping fwd on L (3) ¼ Turn L Stepping fwd on R (4) ¼ turn left stepping fwd on L (&) ¼ turn left stepping out R sweeping L from front to back (5) 12:00
6 & 7Step L behind R (6) Step R to R side (&) Step fwd on L making a ⅛ turn R (7) 1:30
8 &Cross R over L with ⅛ turn right (8), Step L back with ⅛ turn right (&) 4:30
[9 - 17] L Hitch, Run Back, ½ Turn Rock Recover, ½ Turn, Ball Step, ¼ Turn Triple
1 2 & 3Step back on R Hitching L (1) Step back on L (2) step together on R (&) rock back on L (3) 4:30
4 5Make a ½ turn left recovering weight on R (4) make a ½ turn left stepping fwd on L (5) 4:30
6 & 7Making 1/8 turn right take weight on R (6) Step on ball of L (&) Making a ¼ turn R step on R (7) 9:00
8 & 1Fwd on L with a 1/4 turn R (8) Fwd on R with an ⅛ right (&) Rock fwd on L making a final ⅛ turn right(1) 3:00
Styling For count 3, raise your L hand up to the sky and bring down on 4 and for count 5 raise the R hand to the sky..
Note that when you finish the dance you will end on this count (5) facing the front, make sure to make the “Rock on” sign with your pointer finger and pinky up as you “raise your horns” to the audience as a final pose,
[18 - 24] Rock Recover, 1/2 Turn, Prep, Full Turn, Walk x 2, Rock-Recover, Side Rock-Recover
2 &Recover back on R (2) ¼ turn L stepping out on L (&) 12:00
3 4&Making ¼ turn step fwd on R (3) Step back on L making ½ turn right (4) Step fwd on R making ½ turn R (&) 9:00
5 6Walk fwd on L (5) Walk fwd on R (6) 9:00
7 & 8 &Rock weight fwd on L (7) Recover Weight back on R (&) making a ¼ turn left rock to left on L (8) Recover weight on R (&) 6:00
[25 - 32] L Back Rock, L Side, R Back Rock, ½ Turn L (R Back), Full Turn W/ Sweep, Cross, Syncopated Scissor
1 2 &Rock back L behind R (1), Recover weight R (2), Step L to L side (&) 6:00
3 4 &Rock back R behind L (3), Recover weight L (4) make a ½ turn left stepping back on R (&) * 12:00
5 6Making a ½ turn left, step fwd on L sweeping R from back to front (5) Cross R over L (6) 6:00
7 8 &Step L out to L (7) Recover Weight on R (8) Cross L over R (&) 6:00
Tag * On wall 5, you’ll start the wall facing 12:00, on section 4 counts 4&, Make a ½ turn to face the front instead of the back wall, and do a L basic night club for 5 6 & and begin the dance again.
Last Update: 19 Jul 2023