Intro: 16 Counts
Vine R, Step Kick L, vine L, Step Kick R
1-4Step R to R side, L behind R, Step R, Step on L
5-8Step R fwd. Kick L fwd. Step back on L, Step on R
1-4Step L to L side, R behind L, Step L, Step on R
5-8Step L fwd. Kick R fwd. Step back on R, Step on L
K Step
1-4Step R fwd. diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L back diagonally, Touch R to L
5-8Step R back. diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L fwd. diagonally, Touch R to L
Jazz Box Turning ¼ R, V Step
1-4Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R, Step on R, Step on L
5-8Step R fwd. diagonally, Step L across, Step R back diagonally, Step L to R
That’s it! Nice and easy for any beginner. If you like it, let me know. I try hard to make these routines easy for any beginner to learn. If you don’t like this song, any 32 count song without tags will go with it.
Please do not alter routine without my permission.
Thank you, Georgie or
Vine R, Step Kick L, vine L, Step Kick R
1-4Step R to R side, L behind R, Step R, Step on L
5-8Step R fwd. Kick L fwd. Step back on L, Step on R
1-4Step L to L side, R behind L, Step L, Step on R
5-8Step L fwd. Kick R fwd. Step back on R, Step on L
K Step
1-4Step R fwd. diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L back diagonally, Touch R to L
5-8Step R back. diagonally, Touch L to R, Step L fwd. diagonally, Touch R to L
Jazz Box Turning ¼ R, V Step
1-4Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R, Step on R, Step on L
5-8Step R fwd. diagonally, Step L across, Step R back diagonally, Step L to R
That’s it! Nice and easy for any beginner. If you like it, let me know. I try hard to make these routines easy for any beginner to learn. If you don’t like this song, any 32 count song without tags will go with it.
Please do not alter routine without my permission.
Thank you, Georgie or