Intermediate NC2S
No Tag, 2 Restarts
* 1st Restart on Wall 2 after 4&C (facing 06:00)
* 2nd Restart on Wall 5 after 12&C (Step Change: Start the wall 6 with turn 1/4L step L forward)
Section 1: Forward - Cross, Side, Behind - Behind, Side, Cross - Recover, Side, Cross - Recover, Side
1Step L forward while sweeping R from back to front
2&3Cross R over L, step L to side, step R behind while sweeping L from front to back
4&5Step L behind R, step R to side, cross L over R (facing 1:30)
6&7Recover on R, step L to side, cross LlR over L (facing 10:30)
8&Recover on L, step R to side (weight on R)
Section 2: Turn 1/4R - Turn 1 1/2R Rolling Turn - Mambo with Hitch - Turn 1/4L Chassè - Full Turn
1Turn 1/4R step L forward
2&3Turn 1/2R step R forward, turn 1/2R step L back, turn 1/2R step R forward
4&5Rock L forward, recover on R, step L back while hitching R knee from front to back
6&7Step R back, close L together, turn 1/4L step R forward
8&1Turn 1/2R step L back, turn 1/2R step R forward, step L to side (06:00)
Section 3: Turn 1/4R Diamond - Turn 1/4R Coaster Step - Back, Recover
2&3Cross R over L, step L to side, turn 1/8R step R back
4&5Step L back, turn 1/8R step R to side, step L forward (09:00)
6&7Turn 1/4R step R forward, close L together, step R back sweeping L from front to back
8&Step L back, recover on R (12:00)
Section 4: Pivot 1/2 R with Hook - Full Turn - Basic Nightclub (R/L)
1-2Step L forward, turn 1/2R hook R
3&4Step R forward, turn 1/2R step L back, turn 1/2R step R forward
5-6&Step L to side, R beside L, cross L over R
7-8&Step R to side, L beside R, cross R over L
Thank You
* 1st Restart on Wall 2 after 4&C (facing 06:00)
* 2nd Restart on Wall 5 after 12&C (Step Change: Start the wall 6 with turn 1/4L step L forward)
Section 1: Forward - Cross, Side, Behind - Behind, Side, Cross - Recover, Side, Cross - Recover, Side
1Step L forward while sweeping R from back to front
2&3Cross R over L, step L to side, step R behind while sweeping L from front to back
4&5Step L behind R, step R to side, cross L over R (facing 1:30)
6&7Recover on R, step L to side, cross LlR over L (facing 10:30)
8&Recover on L, step R to side (weight on R)
Section 2: Turn 1/4R - Turn 1 1/2R Rolling Turn - Mambo with Hitch - Turn 1/4L Chassè - Full Turn
1Turn 1/4R step L forward
2&3Turn 1/2R step R forward, turn 1/2R step L back, turn 1/2R step R forward
4&5Rock L forward, recover on R, step L back while hitching R knee from front to back
6&7Step R back, close L together, turn 1/4L step R forward
8&1Turn 1/2R step L back, turn 1/2R step R forward, step L to side (06:00)
Section 3: Turn 1/4R Diamond - Turn 1/4R Coaster Step - Back, Recover
2&3Cross R over L, step L to side, turn 1/8R step R back
4&5Step L back, turn 1/8R step R to side, step L forward (09:00)
6&7Turn 1/4R step R forward, close L together, step R back sweeping L from front to back
8&Step L back, recover on R (12:00)
Section 4: Pivot 1/2 R with Hook - Full Turn - Basic Nightclub (R/L)
1-2Step L forward, turn 1/2R hook R
3&4Step R forward, turn 1/2R step L back, turn 1/2R step R forward
5-6&Step L to side, R beside L, cross L over R
7-8&Step R to side, L beside R, cross R over L
Thank You