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Jessica's Country Walkin'

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Charlotte Steele (SA) - April 2023
Jessica - Ray Dylan
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The dance and the music are dedicated to all line dancers in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa.

Note: Starting in 2010, we danced Country Walkin’ as choreographed by Teree Desarro (USA – 2007) to the song Jessica by Ray Dylan. Recently I attempted unsuccessfully to contact Teree Desarro to request permission to incorporate the 32-count Country Walkin’ into a new 56-count dance using the song Jessica. Full credit is hereby afforded Teree Desarro for the first 32 counts of this dance.

Intro: 16 counts. Start on vocals. No Tags or Restarts.

S.1 Walk Forward R-L-R, Kick L. Walk Back L-R. L Coaster.
1 2Step R forward, step L forward
3 4Step R forward, low kick L forward (with optional clap)
5 6Step L back, step R back
7&8Step L back, step R next to L, step L forward (12:00)

S.2 Walk Forward R-L-R, Kick L. Walk Back L-R. L Coaster.
1 2Step R forward, step L forward
3 4Step R forward, low kick L forward (with optional clap)
5 6Step L back, step R back
7&8Step L back, step R next to L, step L forward (12:00)

S.3 Jazz Box. Jazz Box with 1/4 Turn Right.
1 2Cross R over L, step L back
3 4Step R to right side, step L forward (12:00)
5 6Cross R over L, step L back
7 8Turn 1/4 right (3:00) and step R to side, step L forward (weight onto L) (3:00)

S.4 Stomp R-L. Heel Swivels.
1 2Stomp R forward, stomp L in place (with R slightly in front of L)
3&4Swivel both heels out-in-out
5 6Swivel both heels in-out
7&8Swivel both heels in-out-in (end with weight on both feet) (3:00)

S.5 Step Forward-Point R-L. Jazz Box with 1/4 Turn Right
1 2Step R forward, point L to left side
3 4Step L forward, point R to right side
5 6Cross R over L, step L back
7 8Turn 1/4 right (6:00) and step R to side, step L forward (weight onto L) (6:00)

S.6 R Vine-Touch. Rolling Vine Left-Touch**
1 2Step R to right side, step L behind R
3 4Step R to right side, touch L next to R (6:00)
5 6Turn 1/4 left (3:00) stepping L forward, turn ½ left stepping R back (9:00)
7 8Turn 1/4 left (6:00) stepping L to left side, touch R next to L (6:00)
**Option for non-turners counts 5-8: Left Vine: Side left, R behind, side left, touch R next to L (6:00)

S.7 Long Side Step R-L (with Optional Shimmies), Hold. Drag and Clap-Clap.
1 2Long step R to right side (with optional shimmies), Hold
3 4Drag L next to R and clap hands twice
5 6Long step L to left side (with optional shimmies), Hold
7 8Drag R next to L and clap hands twice (6:00)

Start Again


Last Update: 20 April 2023

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