CopperKnob Stepsheets

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A Taste of Honey

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Martin Humphrey (UK) - April 2023
I Second That Emotion - Smokey Robinson & The Miracles
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Intro: 16 counts start on vocals
Wall 3 Step change with restart, End of wall 6 Tag

Section 1: L shuffle forward, step forward on R, L sailor step ¼ L (9 0’clock) step on to R, L Kick ball back rock R recover on to L (9 o’clock)
1&2 3Step forward on L, step R next to L, step Forward on L. step forward on R
4&5 6Cross L behind R, step R to R side taking ¼ turn L (to face 9 o’clock), step L to side Step forward on to R.
7&8 &Kick left forward (7), Step L in place (&) Step back on R (8) recover on to L (&) (facing 9 o’clock

Section 2: R lock step forward, take ¼ turn L stepping L to L side (12 o’clock), R sailor ¼ Turn R (3 o’clock) step forward L, shuffle ½ turn L stepping RLR travelling back (9 o’clock)
1&2 3Step forward on R, step L behind R, step forward on R (facing 9 o’clock) turn ¼ L step L to side (to face 12 o’clock)
4&5 6Cross R behind L, step L to L side taking ¼ turn R, step R to side (to face 3 o’clock) step forward on L
7&8turn ¼ L step R to R side, step L next to R, ¼ turn L stepping back on R (to face 9 o’clock)

Section 3: L coaster step back, R side rock cross (9 o’clock) hinge ¼ turn R, hinge ¼ turn R ( 3 o’clock), L cross shuffle On Wall 3 step change after counts 1 & 2 then Restart
1&2Step back on L, step R beside L, Step forward on L (facing 9 o’clock)* Wall 3 step change and restart
3&4Rock R to R side, recover onto L, Cross R over L (facing 9 o’clock)
5 6¼ turn R step back on L (to face 12 o’clock) , ¼ turn R step R to R side (to face 3 o’clock)
7&8Cross L over R, step R to R side, cross L over right (facing 3 o’clock)

Wall 3 Step change:
3 & 4¼ turn R stepping R to R side (to face 6 o’clock), step L next to R, Step R to right side. Restart

Section 4: R side rock cross, Side behind Side (3 o’clock), Cross R ¼ R step L, Chasse R (6 o’clock)
1&2Rock R to side, recover on to L, cross R over L (facing 3 o’clock)
3&4Step L to side, Step R behind L, step L to side (face 3 o’clock)
5 6Cross R over L, ¼ turn R stepping back on L (to face 6 o’clock)
7&8Step R to R side, step L next to right, step R to right side (facing 6 o’clock)

Wall 3: Replace counts 3 & 4 with: ¼ turn R side chasse (to face 6 o’clock) then restart the dance
Wall 6 Tag : At end of wall 6 add a V step (facing 12 o’clock)
1 2Step L out, step R out
3 4Step L back in place, Step R next to L

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