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Hold On For One More Day

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Phrased Advanced
Hanna Pitkänen (FIN) - 5 March 2023
Hold On - Wilson Phillips
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Start the dance with lyrics, after 16 count intro
Sequence: A B tag A B tag a B b-ending
Notice, that the first 12 counts of part A are the same in the tag, which is 16 counts long. Just the last 4 counts are different. All the parts are easily recognizable in the music.
A=52 counts, B=44 counts, tag=16 counts, a=first 16 counts of A, b=last 28 counts of B

Section A: 52 counts
[1-8]: Kick ball touch, step forward, sweep with ¼ turn, cross, side, back rock
1&2Kick L forward (1), step L next to R (&), touch R next to L (2)
3-4Step R forward sweeping L from back to front (3), continue sweeping as you turn ¼ right (4) (facing 3)
5,6Cross L over R (5), step R to side (6)
7,8Rock back L (7), recover weight to R (8)

[9-16] ¼ turning shuffle, ½ turning shuffle, ½ turning shuffle, back R, together L
1&2Step L to side (1), step R next to L (&), ¼ turn right stepping L back (2) (facing 6)
3&4¼ turn right stepping R to side (3), step L next to R (&), ¼ turn right stepping R forward (4) (facing 12)
5&6¼ turn right stepping L to side (5), step R next to L (&), ¼ turn right stepping L back (6) (facing 6)
7,8Step back R (7), step L next to R (8)
* Restart part a here, when you do part A for the 3. time and start part B

[17-24] Dorothy R L, ½ pivot, walk R L
1,2&Big step with R to diagonal forward (1), step L behind R (2), small step with R to diagonal forward (&)
3,4&Big step with L to diagonal forward (3), step R behind L (4), small step with L to diagonal forward (&)
5,6Step R forward (5), pivot ½ turn left as you change weight to L (6) (facing 12)
7,8Step R forward (7), step L to side (8)

[25-32] Syncopated R & L sailor steps, behind, ¼ turn, touch, walk R L
1&2&Step R behind L (1), step L next to R (&), step R to side (2), step L behind R (&)
3&4Step R next to L (3), step L to side (&), step R behind L (4)
5,6¼ turn right stepping L forward (5), touch R next to L (6) (facing 9)
7,8Step R forward (7), step L forward (8)

[33-40] Side, rock, side, behind, 1/8 turn, ¼ pivot
1,2&Step R to side (1), step back L (2), recover weight to R (&)
3,4&Step L to side (3), step R behind L (4), 1/8 turn to left stepping L forward (&) (facing 7:30)
5,6Step R forward (5), pivot ¼ turn left as you change your weight to L (6) (facing 4:30)
7,8Cross R over L (7), step L to side (8)

[41-48] Weave left, ¼ turn, 3/8 pivot, lock shuffle forward
1&2&Step R behind L (1), step L to side (&), cross R over L (2), step L to side (&)
3,4Step R behind L (3), ¼ turn left stepping L forward (4) (facing 1:30)
5,6Step R forward (5), ½ pivot turn left as you change your weight to L (6) (facing 7:30)
7&8Step R forward (7), step L next to R (&), 1/8 turn right stepping R forward (8) (facing 9)

[49-52] Pivot ½ turn, ¼ turn, touch
1,2Step L forward (1), ½ pivot turn right as you change weight to R (2) (facing 3)
3,4¼ turn right stepping L to side (3), touch R next to L (4) (facing 6)

Section B: 44 counts (starts facing 6)
[1-8] Kick, ball, touch & heel & heel, step, turn ½ on the spot, sweep, knee pop
1&2&Kick R forward (1), step R next to L (&), touch L next to R (2), step L next to R (&)
3&4&Touch R heel forward (3), Step R next to L (&), touch L heel forward (4), step L next to R (&)
5&6Step R forward (5), pivot ½ turn left keeping weight on R (6) (facing 12)
7,8Sweep L from front to back (7), step L behind right as you pop R knee (8)

[9-16] Step, skate L R, cross rock, shuffle left, cross rock, back, touch
1,2Step R forward (1), skate L diagonal forward (2)
3,4&Skate R diagonal forward (3), cross l over R (4), recover weight to R (&)
5&6Step L to side (5), step R next to L (&), step L to side (6)
7&Cross R over L (7), recover weight to L (&)
8&step R to diagonal back (8), touch L next to R (&)

* b-ending starts here

[17-24] Hold, back, touch, hold, back, touch, step, step, lock, step, hold
1Hold (1)
&2Step L to diagonal back (&), touch R next to L (2)
3Hold (3)
&4step R to diagonal back (&), touch L next to R (4)
5,6Step L forward (5), step R forward (6)
&7Step L behind R (&), Step R forward (7)
8Hold (8)
(This section will be lot easier to music, try to hit the lyrics during the back touches)

[25-32] Unwind full turn with sweep, behind, side, cross, ¼ turning shuffle, pivot ½ turn
1,2Unwind full turn left sweeping L from front to back (1), continue sweeping (2)
3&4Step L behind step R (3) step R to side (4), Cross L over R (4)
5&6¼ turn right stepping R forward (5), step L next to R (&), step R forward (6) (facing 3)
7,8Step L forward (7), pivot ½ turn to right as you change weight to R (8) (facing 9)

[33-40] ¼ turn, sweep, behind, side, cross, ¼ turning lock shuffle, ½ pivot
1,2¼ turn right stepping L to side (1), sweep R from front to back (2) (facing 12)
3&4step R behind L (3), step L to side (&), cross R over L (4)
5&6¼ turn to left stepping L forward (5), lock R behind L (&), step L forward (6) (facing 9)
7,8Step R forward (7) pivot ½ turn left as you change weight to L (8) (facing 3)

[41-44] ¼ turn, behind, rock step, heel jack & heel, touch
1,2¼ turn left stepping R to side (1), step L behind R (2) (facing 12)
3,4Step R to side (3) recover weight to L (4)
5&6Step R behind L (5), step L next to R (&), touch R heel to diagonal forward (6)
&7Step R next to L (7), touch L heel to diagonal forward (8)
8Touch L next to R

Tag 16 counts (starts facing 6)
1-12Repeat the first 12 counts of part A, then ad counts 13-16 as explained below

[13-16] Rock step, back, together
1,2Rock L forward (1), recover weight to R (2)
3,4Step back L (3), step R next to left (4)

b (ending) *
Dance the last 17-44 counts of part B

Have fun dancing!

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