Easy Intermediate
Section 1 - Sugarfoot x2, Rocking Chair, ¼ Drag, Point, Touch
1&2Touch right toe in place, touch right heel in place, stomp right forward.
3&4Touch left in place, touch left heel in place, stomp left forward.
5&6&Rock forward onto right, recover weight left, rock back onto right, recover weight left.
7&8&Make ¼ left stepping right to right side, drag left in and touch next to right, point left to left side, touch left next to right. (9.00)
Section 2 - Grapevine, Cross Rock Side, Cross Rock ¼, Paddle ½ x2
1&2Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side.
3&4Cross rock right over left, recover weight left, step right to right side.
5&6Cross rock left over right, recover weight right, step left forward making ¼ left. (6.00)
7-8Make ½ left pointing right to right side, repeat.
Section 3 - Vaudevilles, Make ½ Walk Walk Shuffle
1&2Cross right over left, step left to left side, dig right heel to right.
&3&4Step on ball of right, cross left over right, step right to right side, dig left heel to left.
5-6Start making ½ over left walking right, left.
7&8Complete the ½ left shuffle forward right, left, right. (12.00)
Section 4 - Mambo Forward, Mambo Back, Forward Rock Side Rock, Sailor ¼
1&2Rock forward onto left, recover weight right, close left next to right.
3&4Rock back onto right, recover weight left, close right next to left.
5&6&Cross rock left over right, recover weight right, rock left to left side, recover weight right.
7&8Cross left behind right, make ¼ left stepping right to right side, recover weight left. (9.00)
End of Wall 3 – 4 count tag.
Toe Strut Jazz box
1&2&Cross right toe over left, drop heel, touch left to back, drop heel.
3&4Touch right toe to right side, drop heel, step left forward
1&2Touch right toe in place, touch right heel in place, stomp right forward.
3&4Touch left in place, touch left heel in place, stomp left forward.
5&6&Rock forward onto right, recover weight left, rock back onto right, recover weight left.
7&8&Make ¼ left stepping right to right side, drag left in and touch next to right, point left to left side, touch left next to right. (9.00)
Section 2 - Grapevine, Cross Rock Side, Cross Rock ¼, Paddle ½ x2
1&2Step left to left side, cross right behind left, step left to left side.
3&4Cross rock right over left, recover weight left, step right to right side.
5&6Cross rock left over right, recover weight right, step left forward making ¼ left. (6.00)
7-8Make ½ left pointing right to right side, repeat.
Section 3 - Vaudevilles, Make ½ Walk Walk Shuffle
1&2Cross right over left, step left to left side, dig right heel to right.
&3&4Step on ball of right, cross left over right, step right to right side, dig left heel to left.
5-6Start making ½ over left walking right, left.
7&8Complete the ½ left shuffle forward right, left, right. (12.00)
Section 4 - Mambo Forward, Mambo Back, Forward Rock Side Rock, Sailor ¼
1&2Rock forward onto left, recover weight right, close left next to right.
3&4Rock back onto right, recover weight left, close right next to left.
5&6&Cross rock left over right, recover weight right, rock left to left side, recover weight right.
7&8Cross left behind right, make ¼ left stepping right to right side, recover weight left. (9.00)
End of Wall 3 – 4 count tag.
Toe Strut Jazz box
1&2&Cross right toe over left, drop heel, touch left to back, drop heel.
3&4Touch right toe to right side, drop heel, step left forward