Beginner / Improver
Start after 32 counts into the song
No tag, no restarts
(1-8) Mambo R, Mambo L, Back R, Back L, Coaster Step
1&2Step R to R side, Step L in place, Step R next to L
3&4Step L to L side, Step R in place, Step L next to R
5,6Step back R, Step back L
7&8Step back R, Step L next R, Step forward R
(9-16) Quarter turn hold 2x, Sailor step 2X
1,2Quarter over R shoulder, Hold
3,4Quarter over R should, Hold
5&6Step R behind L, Step with L, Step out with R
7&8Step L behind R, Step with R, Step out with L
(17-24) Rock, Recover, Pony 2x, Stomp, Stomp
1,2Rock forward on R, Recover on L
3&4Step back R hitch L knee, Ball step L, Step R hitch L Knee
5&6Step back L Hitch R knee, Ball Step R, Step L hitch R knee
7,8Step out with R, step out with L
(25-32) Sway 2x, Rock, Recover, 1/2 Turn 2x
1,2Sway hips R to L
3,4Sway hips R to L
5,6Rock back R, Recover Left
7,81/2 Turn over L Should (2x)
Last Update: 31 Mar 2023
No tag, no restarts
(1-8) Mambo R, Mambo L, Back R, Back L, Coaster Step
1&2Step R to R side, Step L in place, Step R next to L
3&4Step L to L side, Step R in place, Step L next to R
5,6Step back R, Step back L
7&8Step back R, Step L next R, Step forward R
(9-16) Quarter turn hold 2x, Sailor step 2X
1,2Quarter over R shoulder, Hold
3,4Quarter over R should, Hold
5&6Step R behind L, Step with L, Step out with R
7&8Step L behind R, Step with R, Step out with L
(17-24) Rock, Recover, Pony 2x, Stomp, Stomp
1,2Rock forward on R, Recover on L
3&4Step back R hitch L knee, Ball step L, Step R hitch L Knee
5&6Step back L Hitch R knee, Ball Step R, Step L hitch R knee
7,8Step out with R, step out with L
(25-32) Sway 2x, Rock, Recover, 1/2 Turn 2x
1,2Sway hips R to L
3,4Sway hips R to L
5,6Rock back R, Recover Left
7,81/2 Turn over L Should (2x)
Last Update: 31 Mar 2023