Low Intermediate
Start dance after 24 counts
Sec 1 Cross rock side, touch, syncopated scissor step
1 2 3 4Cross with right foot (1), recover on left foot (2), side with right foot (3), touch left foot close to right (4)
5 6 7 8Side with left foot (5), hold (6), together with right foot (7), cross with left foot (8) ending 12 o’clock
Sec 2 Side, spiral ½ turn, side together forward
1 2Side with right foot (1), spiral ½ turn to the left with weight on right foot (2)
3 4 5 6Side with left foot (3), together with right foot (4), forward with left foot (5), hold (6) ending 6 o’clock
Sec 3 ¼ turn with diamond steps
7 8 1 2Cross with right foot (7), side with left foot turning 1/8 turn to the right (8), back with right foot (1), sweep left foot from front to back (2)
3 4 5 6Back with left foot (3), side with right foot turning 1/8 turn to the right (4), cross with left foot (5), sweep right foot from back to front (6) ending 9 o’clock
Sec 4 Weave, back ½ turn step, full turn
7 8 1 2Cross with right foot (7), side with left foot (8), back with right foot (1), sweep left foot from front to back (2)
3 4 5 6Back with left foot (3), ½ turn to the right with right foot (4), forward with left foot (5), hold (6)
7 8½ turn to the left with right foot (7), ½ turn to the right with left foot (8) ending 3 o’clock
On wall 6 after count 24, facing 12 o’clock
On wall 7 after count 16 with step change facing 6 o’clock: side with left foot without turning on count 16
Tag: Sway, sway and touch
1 2 3 4Side with right foot and sway to the right (1), hold (2), side with left foot and sway to the left (3), touch with right foot close to left (4)
Tag after wall 4 facing 12 o’clock, wall 10 facing 3 o’clock and wall 12 facing 9 o’clock
Happy dancing!
Sec 1 Cross rock side, touch, syncopated scissor step
1 2 3 4Cross with right foot (1), recover on left foot (2), side with right foot (3), touch left foot close to right (4)
5 6 7 8Side with left foot (5), hold (6), together with right foot (7), cross with left foot (8) ending 12 o’clock
Sec 2 Side, spiral ½ turn, side together forward
1 2Side with right foot (1), spiral ½ turn to the left with weight on right foot (2)
3 4 5 6Side with left foot (3), together with right foot (4), forward with left foot (5), hold (6) ending 6 o’clock
Sec 3 ¼ turn with diamond steps
7 8 1 2Cross with right foot (7), side with left foot turning 1/8 turn to the right (8), back with right foot (1), sweep left foot from front to back (2)
3 4 5 6Back with left foot (3), side with right foot turning 1/8 turn to the right (4), cross with left foot (5), sweep right foot from back to front (6) ending 9 o’clock
Sec 4 Weave, back ½ turn step, full turn
7 8 1 2Cross with right foot (7), side with left foot (8), back with right foot (1), sweep left foot from front to back (2)
3 4 5 6Back with left foot (3), ½ turn to the right with right foot (4), forward with left foot (5), hold (6)
7 8½ turn to the left with right foot (7), ½ turn to the right with left foot (8) ending 3 o’clock
On wall 6 after count 24, facing 12 o’clock
On wall 7 after count 16 with step change facing 6 o’clock: side with left foot without turning on count 16
Tag: Sway, sway and touch
1 2 3 4Side with right foot and sway to the right (1), hold (2), side with left foot and sway to the left (3), touch with right foot close to left (4)
Tag after wall 4 facing 12 o’clock, wall 10 facing 3 o’clock and wall 12 facing 9 o’clock
Happy dancing!