CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Better Stop

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Upper Intermediate
Lu Olsen (AUS) & Stephen Paterson (AUS) - January 2023
Stop - Sam Brown
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Use the 3.58 min version of the song "Stop (Edit)"

#16 count intro start on vocals, 

[1-8a] Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Recover, Side, Recover, Behind/sweep, Behind, ¼ fwd, Fwd Coaster, Tog
1, 2 aStep R to Right, Step L behind R, Step R to Right
3 a 4 aRock L over R, Recover onto R, Rock L to Left, Recover onto R 12.00
5, 6 aStep L behind R/sweep R, Step R behind L, ¼ Left turn & step L fwd, 9.00
7 a 8 aStep R fwd, Step L tog, Step R back, Step L tog 9.00

[9-16&a] Step, Pivot ½, ½, ¼, Roll Turn Right, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Sailor 3/8
1, 2 a 3Step R fwd, ½ Left pivot turn, ½ left turn & step R back, ¼ left turn & step L to Left 6.00
4 a* 5 Full R rolling turn to right: Stepping R, L *, R 6.00
6 & aStep L behind R, Step R to right, Cross L over R, 6.00
7, 8 & a^ Step R to right, 3/8th Left turning Left sailor to 1.30 (L, R, L) ^ 1.30

[17-24a] Prissy Walks R, L, R, Hitch Cross, Side, Behind, Lunge Side, Roll Turn Left, Cross, Side
1, 2, 3Prissy walks fwd to 1.30: Step R over L, Step L over R, Step R over L/hitch L, 1.30
4 & a(1/8th right turn to 3.00) Cross L over R, Step R to right, Step L behind R 3.00
5, 6 a 7Lunge to R to right, Full L rolling turn to left: Stepping L, R, L 3.00
8 aCross R over L, Step L to left 3.00

[25-32&a] Back Sweeps x3, Back, Side, Fwd, Rock Fwd, Recover, ½ Fwd, Rock Fwd, Recover, 5/8 Fwd
1, 2, 3,1/8th right then step R back/sweep L, Step L back/sweep R, Step R back/sweep L 4.30
4 & aStep L back, 1/8 Right turn & step R side, 1/8th Right turn & Step L fwd 7.30
5,6a# Rock step R fwd, Recover back onto L, ½ Right turn & step R fwd # 1.30
7, 8 aRock step L fwd, Recover back onto R, 5/8th left turn & step L fwd 6.00
(#Wall 5 modify counts 6a to: 6&a: L back, 3/8th R turn R fwd, L fwd)

TAG Always Danced to 12.00 (18 counts) …(on word ‘stop’)….. You better ‘STOP’)…. Easy to hear…
Side, Hold, Tog, Scissor Cross, Side, Behind Sweep, Behind, ¼ Fwd, Pivot ½, Roll Fwd 3/4
1, 2 a 3 a 4Step R to Right, Hold, Step L beside R, Step R to right,, Step L beside R, Cross R over L 12.00
a 5, 6 aStep L to left, Step R behind L/sweep L, Step L behind R, ¼ Right turn & Step R fwd 3.00
7,Step L fwd 9.00
8 & aPivot ½ Right turn onto R, ½ Right turn back onto L, ¼ Right turn & step R side 6.00

Rock Fwd, Recover, Half, Fwd, Pivot ½, ½ Back, Back, Cross, Back, Side, Tog, Cross, Unwind, Sway, Sway
1, 2 aRock step L fwd, Recover back onto R, ½ left turn & step L fwd 12.00
3 a 4 aStep R fwd, ½ Left pivot, ½ left & step R back, Step L slightly back, 12.00
5 a 6 aCross R over L, Step L back at L 45, Step R to Right, Step L beside R, 12.00
7, 8Cross R toe over L, Full Left unwind (weight on L) 12.00
1, 2,Step R & Sway R, Sway L 12.00

TAGS (12.00) End of WALLS 2 and WALL 4, ..
WALL 6 – dance to counts 16&a, dance TAG then add extra Sway R, Sway L,

SHORT WALLS – (very easy to hear)

WALL 3 (12.00) – Dance first 12 a* counts then start Wall 4 at 6.00
WALL 5 (12.00) – Dance to count 29# modify count 30a to 30&a: Step L back, 3/8 R turn R fwd, Step L fwd 12.00)
WALL 6 (12.00) dance first 16&a^ counts, straighten to 12.00 & add TAG with 2 extra sways-slight pause- Restart
ENDING- WALL 7 (12.00) dance first 16&a^ counts, Step R to Right to finish at 12.00

Sequence: 32a, 32a, Tag, 12a, 32a, Tag, 30&a, 16&a, Tag+Sways, 16&a

Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h), Mob: 0438 735 122 - Email:

Last Update: 9 Mar 2023

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